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FreeTrack Forum > FreeTrack : English Forum > General Discussion > All Free-Track noobies need to read this.

RSS >  All Free-Track noobies need to read this., Tips I hope will help you, add any tips you can also.
caaront #1 05/06/2008 - 01h28

Class : Habitué
Posts : 71
Registered on : 07/04/2008

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I'm new at this, and have asked a few silly questions, but now have 6DOF, I have things to learn, and have a little tweaking to do, but hopefully this will help someone.

NOTE: I did not have to remove the IR filter in my camera, nor do I need to put a dark film over the lens, I am in an office brightly lit with flourescent lights and have no problem whatsoever of my webcam picking up other lights than the IR  LEDs on my hat.

I tried different methods of achieving 6DOF with 3 LEDs but finaly purchased a 3 point hat with 3 IR LEDs, I recommend it, its pre-built, it uses IR lights (Invisible to the eye so they don't distract you during game play)
And Marcus does a stand up job on the constuction, ships promptloy and is a good and honest man, and its a bargain.
Check out the link.

I haven't gotten the perfect sensitivity settings down yet, but I have learned that having a higher deadzone/smoothness setting for each setting slows down the head movements.

Y'all (I'm in Texas so I can say y'all) please add to this, and I will too as I discover and learn more.

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