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RSS >  Backwards Axis
hotshot232 #1 26/02/2008 - 14h32

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Why is my free-track backwards??

I have a 3 Point Cap.  2 on the bill and 1 in the center high on the cap (forehead area)

I look Up and it looks right
I look Down and it looks left
Look Left and It looks down
Look right and it looks up

All are fine but my pitch and yaw are all screwed up.

Please help guys
Edited by hotshot232 on 26/02/2008 at 14h51.
howecome #2 26/02/2008 - 16h03

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Are you sure you have the 3 points cap selected under the model tab?

hotshot232 #3 26/02/2008 - 16h21

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I have gone through all the setting and everything atleast no less than 30 times. Trying to find anything to fix this.

I am completely lost.

Why are these two axis backwards. But on the right box that shows the 3 dots.
When I move my head left the dot move the correct way but the head goes up or down can't remember now. But it is going on the wrong axis on the head display and in game.
Kestrel #4 27/02/2008 - 00h52

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Your model coordinates have tricked the tracking algorithm into thinking the model is facing backwards. Modify your point model so that the triangle plane has a more shallow pitch and update the dimensions in FT accordingly or (more easily) just invert the yaw and pitch axes.
hotshot232 #5 27/02/2008 - 01h24

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If I invert the pitch or yaw axis then instead of looking left when i look up it looks right instead. ect.

My points are located exactly like VIPER showed on the YOUTUBE video.

2 Points on bill
1 middle point on about the forehead level of the hat.

Everything looks just like all the other 3 point models. That is why I am so lost as far as why i must move the middle point even with the other 2 for it to correct the axis.

But I want to tell you much thanks for someone finially getting to me and given me a hand I was about to loss my cool with this damn thing.

Kestrel #6 27/02/2008 - 02h29

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hotshot232 @ 27/02/2008 - 02h24 a dit:

If I invert the pitch or yaw axis then instead of looking left when i look up it looks right instead. ect.

Inverting pitch only inverts pitch, likewise for yaw, inversion can't change pitching to yawing or vice versa.

Everything looks just like all the other 3 point models. That is why I am so lost as far as why i must move the middle point even with the other 2 for it to correct the axis.

Most people have their webcam at head height, this is what FreeTrack was designed for, having your webcam 2 feet higher is very significant (especially for 3p cap) because it changes the way the point model appears. You could try to get FreeTrack working when the webcam is at normal head height before trying to push the boundaries of the tracking algorithms with a higher camera position.

Naturally, a higher camera means the model plane is more likely to be parallel to the camera plane, which is bad. To avoid this the middle point should be lowered as much as possible so long as it remains the highest point in the camera frame for all possible head orientations.
hotshot232 #7 27/02/2008 - 05h41

Class : Habitué
Posts : 56
Registered on : 25/02/2008

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OK let me get this all correct.

I am lossing you on a couple of points. You said that none of the points should be higher than the cam correct?

But you also said the cam should be at head height. So in a perfect situation. The cam should be even with my face, pointing straight at me with all 3 points facing directly at it???

The reason it is a good distance above me is. I have a 32" Monitor and the cam is sitting on top of it with a slight angle down towards me. Since the monitor is a good 12" above my head when I am sitting down this puts me at quite a situation to get it level with my head.

But just making sure is my above question about it being perfectly even with my head the correct placement?


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