Class : Apprenti
Posts : 3
Registered on : 16/01/2008
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Hello all. So after discovering this software last week I got around to making a 3 point clip and trying it out today. The program tracks my head movements well. I installed PPjoy, started up Microsoft flight sim 9, and switched to the virtual cockpit and found that I had 2 problems. And when it does finally occur, its not a smooth movement, but a series of jumps.
1. The movement is very sluggish and jumpy. I was getting about 30 FPS in the game itself, but when i turn my head to the side it takes a good couple of seconds for the same to occur in game.
2. Only roll and yaw are being recognized. I can't get it to recognize the pitch of my head so i can look up and down.
Any suggestions on what I may have done wrong and how to fix these problems would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Class : Apprenti
Posts : 3
Registered on : 16/01/2008
Off line
Actually I'm running the programs now and those two issues seem to have gone away! Much smother now and its detecting pitch. Now the problem is that its jittering around even when stationary. I guess I'll play with the settings and see if i can stop it. I think i saw some other topics about that as well.