Hey guys,
I'm working on creating a 3 point reflective clip for attaching to my headset, but I was wondering how effective it'll really be.
I absolutely hate batteries, so I'm going to have a
Wii sensor bar that I will
convert to be USB powered, and a Wii mote with a
USB rechargeable battery pack and a
Bluetooth USB dongle (totaling $9.99... Thank God for Deal Extreme :D, I already had the Wiimote)
What would be the best kind of reflective material to put on the clip I'm making? I heard reflective tape seems to be a good bet. I also saw
this project, which I'm really interested in, but he seems to be using a webcam with 6 IR LED's, however, the sensor bar should have just as many. I'm gonna remove the black caps on it as well, so the LED's have a more clear path.
Thanks in advance,
- René