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FreeTrack Forum > FreeTrack : English Forum > Support : FreeTrack Software > how to sent center command to freetrack?

RSS >  how to sent center command to freetrack?
steveh2112 #1 10/06/2014 - 05h58

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is there a way to send a command to freetrack to center it so i can set up a macro in my joystick?

i'm using saitek x52 on falcon 4 bms and i already have a button set for recenter trackir. can this be made to work on freetrack?

Edited by steveh2112 on 10/06/2014 at 07h59.
Stormrider #2 10/06/2014 - 13h04

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at the controls tab you can asign key-combinations to a function of Freetrack.As default Shift+2 is asigned to center freetrack.In the profilersoftware of your stick you can asign the key-combination Shift+2 to a button so can  center freetrack with your stick :D

Macro's you can make with the profiler software of your stick.
Edited by Stormrider on 10/06/2014 at 13h06.
deggial2005 #3 18/06/2014 - 12h29

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I mapped a button on my wheel controller. It seems to work without any complications, it just recognized the button.
Stormrider #4 18/06/2014 - 18h18

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I mapped a button on my wheel controller. It seems to work without any complications, it just recognized the button.

And now try to start freetrack with your wheel controller disconnected ;) .

To avoid problems it is better to use key combinations for functions of freetrack.
deggial2005 #5 19/06/2014 - 08h05

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Stormrider @ 18/06/2014 - 18h18 a dit:

And now try to start freetrack with your wheel controller disconnected ;) .

To avoid problems it is better to use key combinations for functions of freetrack.

"Wheel controller disconnected" is only an imaginary situation. There's no such thing as "wheel controller disconnected"  :lol:
Stormrider #6 19/06/2014 - 18h21

Class : Légende du Forum
Posts : 466
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with disconnected, I mean unplugged(taking out the usb-cable of your pc)

Some people got problems after asigning a button from there joystick/steeringwheel directly to center freetrack. They got a errror message
"Access violation at address 004AD288 in Module 'FreeTrack.exe'. Read of adress 0000037." when they started freetrack with their joystick unplugged.

I mapped a button on my wheel controller. It seems to work without any complications, it just recognized the button.

Thats how it should be, but unfortunately not always is  :snif:

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