Class : Apprenti
Posts : 1
Registered on : 25/10/2012
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First of all, I would like to say thank you to the people working on this project for helping me to get this far.
The project:
I would like to create a head tracker using the 3 point IR method running in OSX. It will be used for spatial audio testing
Where I am:
I have a modded PS3 camera, and a 3 point IR system that is working well (good clarity and visible light reduction). I am using a software called Community Core Vision (CCV) which is tracking the IR blobs and then sending them to my code for analysis.
This is where I get stuck! I have spent the morning going over my Trigonometry trying to work out the maths to translate three X,Y points into 3D space. I was wondering if someone knew of any links to help explain this, or would be kind enough to explain it.
Thanks in advance!