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FreeTrack Forum > FreeTrack : English Forum > Support : FreeTrack Software > New OS, same profile but not working any more :(

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EncryptedToast #1 20/10/2012 - 15h58

Class : Apprenti
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Hi all,

I have a MS Lifecam vx-300 and a 3 point hat with IR.  Everything was working fine when I had XP installed and before I switched to Windows 7 I backed everything up so  I still have my working profiles.

Problem is,  when I start free track I see the 3 dots but never any crosshairs and changing the threshold doesn't have any affect at all.  And the skull head doesn't move anymore.   I suspect there is something misconfigured with the cam, at first Windows installed that awful Lifecam garbage so I uninstalled that and rebooted.  Not sure what I need to do in order to get it working again, any advice?

I needed to download a DX dll to get it started so I am past that hurdle, but am confused as to why it no longer works.
EncryptedToast #2 23/10/2012 - 12h47

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well, I honestly don't know what happened but it's working now.  :gene:

Decided to have another troubleshooting session so i fired it up and WHAMO! 3 dots and a moving skull.

Really have no idea what changed, it's working.   :fear:
Steph #3 23/10/2012 - 13h29

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That's life... :stuart:
EncryptedToast #4 10/11/2012 - 15h40

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Bah, its hosed again.

For some reason with the VX 3000 the only choice for stream I have is RGB 24.  I could have sworn I had more options before I reinstalled.

And the camera settings NEVER save.  I have the Enable Button to turn off auto exposure but it doesnt matter.  If I open the camera settings and make changes, I can hit SAVE, APPLY, SAVE, APPLY until the cows come home but as soon as I open it up again its right back to where it was.

I suspect the auto exposure is at fault here, but what good is it if it WONT SAVE THE CHANGES I MAKE?!

As it stands now I have red dots (used to be white) and flickering phantom crosses popping up all over the place

Good God this stuff is flaky as hell.   :angry:
Steph #5 10/11/2012 - 16h10

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Do you have change the driver?
RGB24 works as well as the others. Just adapt the threshold or exposure.

Could it be a problem of admin rights?
EncryptedToast #6 10/11/2012 - 17h16

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 25
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I am not sure about admin rights, since I am an administrator but would be willing to explore that.  Any ideas?

As far as threshold and exposure etc, none of the changes I make are ever saved so changing them does not do any good.

I did uninstall the MS Software for the camera, because it kept popping up all the time and interfering with Freetrack.
Edited by EncryptedToast on 10/11/2012 at 17h17.

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