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FreeTrack Forum > FreeTrack : English Forum > General Discussion > (solved) 2.0.279 blank camera properties and BSODs

RSS >  (solved) 2.0.279 blank camera properties and BSODs, Camera properties window is empty
Lom #1 11/06/2012 - 17h17

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 2
Registered on : 11/06/2012

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The problem is: 2.0.279 works great the first time I start it. When I stop tracking and start again (immmediately or an time later) BSOD occurs (with different erro types. Sometimes bad_pool_header, sometimes system_service_exception, and sometimes others. And it will BSOD everytime until i reinstall my webcam drivers (Genius iLook 300).

Also camera properties is blank in all 3 tabs (Stream, face tracking and effect frame)

2.1.2 doesn't have neither of those issues, but 2.1.2 is way too jaggy, and it's performance overall is not as satisfactory as 2.0.279.

Any solutions?
Edited by Lom on 14/06/2012 at 11h53.
Lom #2 14/06/2012 - 10h06

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 2
Registered on : 11/06/2012

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Ok. Solved it. If some of you guys have the same problem, here are some solutions (additional software is neccessary for both):
1) Download Webmate (you can get it from Genius website) adjust camera settings (uncheck autoexposure, set exposure to minimal). Then, CHECK AUTOEXPOSURE AGAIN. You'll set exposure to minimal as a result, and prevent it from resetting later. If you don't check auto after lowering exposure it will reset later leading to BSODs.
2) Alternitevly you can download Manycam, and in Freetrack choose Manycam stream as a video source (not iLook300).

Second option is more CPU consuming of course.

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