Class : Apprenti
Posts : 2
Registered on : 30/04/2012
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I can't get freetrack to work properly. Playing Arma 2 with OA (combined operations) (lite dlc's). Latest patch. In the freetrack config screens I can get everything working nicely, but when I go ingame there is a horrible eye destroying stutter. Its not performance or anything like that. Its like the view is vibrating. Nothing I do in freetrack seems to solve it. Anyone else getting this kind of behavior?
Additionally once the game is running, if I alt-tab out and start changing settings the behavior of all the settings changes and no matter what I do I cannot get things working properly. When the game is not running, everything in the free track configuration returns to its default behavior.
Model: three point cap
Camera: Playstation eyetoy (the ps2 camera, not the newer ps3 eye)
Haven't had a chance to check performance in other games as of yet. Arma 2 is the only relevant game I currently have installed.