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FreeTrack Forum > FreeTrack : English Forum > Support : FreeTrack Software > Going crazy getting pseye working, (solved)

RSS >  Going crazy getting pseye working, (solved)
moxy #1 08/02/2012 - 23h04

Class : Apprenti
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Been a longtime FT user, FT 2.1, gigaware cam, win 7 64. Im trying to
update, better system etc.

Im getting crunched, with the CLeye driver. My 1st install, utilizing the instucted post, It was great, pseye, 2.2, tracking, etc. As I was setting up a profile, setting up a stop/start button, .........that was the end.

Multible reinstalls, driver, FT, online searches, sdk, studio/trial etc.
I can see the pseye working after a driver reinstall (eyetest)
For 1/10 of a sec. in FT I can see the my set-up (start/stop tilting my head)
Then the eyetest no longer "sees" the pseye.
Driver reinstall, eyetest back up,File fix,diffrent setting configs, start FT, all down again.

Do I need to acctivate the diver? Pay for the driver, cause of 3rd party applcation?, Is it the (2) camara for $20.00 thing? Edit: all no.

At this point, Im not sure, if I have a cam problem (defective, test seem to rule this out), Ft is killing the driver, or the driver is locking me out (seems the cause.)

Any help, would be well appeicated! The 10 min,s I got working was great.
Fantastic smooth tracking!

Thank you
II./JG1_Heinz (Moxy) Schulte
Edited by moxy on 09/02/2012 at 17h49.
moxy #2 08/02/2012 - 23h33

Class : Apprenti
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Im replying to my own thread as an edit.

I just reinstalled FT 2.1 and the pseye is working great...(30fps)
(Floppy on front no IR mod)

So to my above post...driver actvation is not nessery. etc.

So 2.2 is killing the driver I assume. Any Ideas?

Thank you!

shesakillatwo #3 09/02/2012 - 13h35

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I have a new unmodified PS3Eye working just fine with the latest Freetrack,  Did you install the "FIX" mentioned in this post???
moxy #4 09/02/2012 - 15h29

Class : Apprenti
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Thanks for the reply

Yes I did.
I played yesterday on 2.1...I got to say "fantastic"
The ps eye is a world of diference! (confirming, camara, driver)

This morning...I un-installed, re-downloaded the program files (in case someting was corrupt), and re-installed, including the fix.
Sorry to say the same thing.

After starting FT the Cleye test does not see the dots, and FT, is picking them up on start/stop, for a spit second. then black.

What ever the problem, at this point only a Driver re-install clears the situation.

Well Im still at it. but Im quickly running out of ideas. Something is locking
this out?

Edited by moxy on 09/02/2012 at 15h31.
moxy #5 09/02/2012 - 17h46

Class : Apprenti
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Solution to my problem!!!

I installed FT on my back-up HDD.
Why this is working is beyond me?

OK some things.....
I had the moving dots but no tracking (skull) on install to backup HDD
(That I new I could fix)

The FT program, didnt start working till I change the "controlls" up/down window slider. (I guess it needed a wake up lol)

My primary drive is an SSD. (dout this was the problem?)
installed in C: in and out of x86 clean

Whatever the conflict is on my C drive,,,I dont know?
But Im up a running!
The pseye compared to my 30fps gigaware cam, even running at 30fps is
increadable!!!! Ive been using my gigaware cam from the start (never did an A/B test) yesterday even on 2.1 allowed me a sight accuracy, I have never seen before. Ive been flying/fighting with 1 hand tied behind my back since 2009. My pseye just has the floppy on it, my IR leds are radio shacks unfiled, in a 3 point hat.
God I can just not believe, what a diffrence a good cam made.

Thanx to the developers
all those that posted through out the forums/fix guy
shesakillatwo #6 10/02/2012 - 16h07

Class : Apprenti
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Glad you got it working.  Sounds like an odd solution to an odd problem, but we see those from time to time.  As I said my unmodified PS3 Eye is working great as well and I find the performance outstanding!
Edited by shesakillatwo on 10/02/2012 at 16h08.
moxy #7 10/02/2012 - 23h55

Class : Apprenti
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Thanks shesakillatwo

I still have every intention,of debugging this issue.
Now thats its up and running.

The question that arises 1st

Is an SSD an issue?


Thanx again.
striker121 #8 11/02/2012 - 06h57

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I had a similar issue. I found that installing it to my secondary 1TB drive fixed it and now my PS3 eye runs perfectly. My primary drive is a 120GB Vertex 3 SSD so it seems like you might be on to something about SSD issues.
moxy #9 12/02/2012 - 02h49

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 8
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Thanks Striker

Could someone post, If they have FT 2.2 working with a pseye
on a SSD? primary with win 7?


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