Class : Apprenti
Posts : 23
Registered on : 14/11/2009
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Well, I'm no expert on this, but perhaps select one of supported formats?
What format did you choose anyway? Its hard to find answers without background information about the case.
You can set video format under "STREAM" button.
Perhaps unles you have driverless webcam as FAQ says:
FreeTrack crashes when I press start!
*Make sure your webcam is not already in use by another application.
*Reduce your webcam's exposure and increase the threshold setting in FreeTrack before pressing start otherwise, if too much light is seen, the point finding algorithm can crash. I420 video is less likely to crash than RGB24.
* FreeTrack only supports I420, RGB24 and RGB32 video. Driverless webcams use USB Video Class (UVC) which only supports YUYV (YUY2) and NV12 which currently aren't supported but you may still be able to get them to work with FreeTrack using SplitCam.