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RSS >  3 point clip
spectral3ntity #1 09/11/2009 - 02h38

Class : Apprenti
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Most of you are aware that a TRACKIR clip exist which is really well made. Actually, what I am talking about is not what lies inside but the casing. As any of you tried to produce a casing that is similar to what naturalpoint produced? If so, could you be kind enough to list the components you used?

benmeijer #2 09/11/2009 - 21h48

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Just posted my latest build in "Your point model constructions".

Direct link to larger pics:

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spectral3ntity #3 10/11/2009 - 03h32

Class : Apprenti
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Very interesting design! Especially that you had something in your garden that you could use which sort of came close to the real thing!  :D

I was wondering, been trying to get a real size picture of the trackIR clip pro but without success.. Would you mind telling me where you found yours??

spectral3ntity #4 10/11/2009 - 03h35

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Got another question for you.. I assume you built your device from an old USB cable. Did you use a PTC fuse in your design to prevent any problems that could fry your motherboard??

I noticed some USB cables got some "cylinders" on them. I am not sure but could this be some sort of protection against any problems that could fry the motherboard?? I'll try to get some pictures later on..
benmeijer #5 10/11/2009 - 21h07

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spectral3ntity @ 10/11/2009 - 04h32 a dit:

I was wondering, been trying to get a real size picture of the trackIR clip pro but without success.. Would you mind telling me where you found yours??

I've found a picture and add a layer of grid over it, so it comes close to what I found in the Freetrack manual.
Posted Image

spectral3ntity @ 10/11/2009 - 04h35 a dit:

Got another question for you.. I assume you built your device from an old USB cable. Did you use a PTC fuse in your design to prevent any problems that could fry your motherboard??

I noticed some USB cables got some "cylinders" on them. I am not sure but could this be some sort of protection against any problems that could fry the motherboard?? I'll try to get some pictures later on..

In my build I didn't use a fuse (maybe I modify it later and add a PTC fuse).
To be sure I don't fry my motherboard (at this moment) I use an USB adaptor for the 5v.

Posted Image

The cylinders on the USB cable are for interference-protection of the USB-signal, I use only the 5v wires. It has nothing to do with protection of your motherboard.
Ranger #6 25/11/2009 - 09h44

Class : Apprenti
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Registered on : 25/11/2009

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I was wondering, been trying to get a real size picture of the trackIR clip pro but without success.. Would you mind telling me where you found yours??

Take it :) Grid cell size 5mm
Posted Image
Edited by Ranger on 25/11/2009 at 11h00.

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