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RSS >  Freetrack and Blackshark, No idea how to get it working
WLJayne #1 04/11/2009 - 02h22

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 1
Registered on : 04/11/2009

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Hi folks,

I guess you must get alot of people on here looking for advice on DCS. I've read round and can't find the answer I'm looking for. I have no idea at all how to get free track working in black shark. I have the new DLL fix, but where do I go from there? Does DCS auto detect freetrack? Is there a menu in game for the setup? What output should I be using? I've looked around and I honestly haven't found answers. My freetrack is working, its just the output and how to implement it thats confusing me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks :).


Ok I've more or less figured it out now. For some reason freetrack would stop tracking when I booted DCS. If I start freetrack while in game it works fine. Almost too easy :D. Cheers for a great prgram guys, I am heartily glad I didn't spend the money on "that other systsem."
Edited by WLJayne on 04/11/2009 at 14h45.
iNSANiD #2 07/11/2009 - 21h18

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 7
Registered on : 02/11/2009

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Freetrack works natively with DCS Black Shark as long as you apply the TrackIR Fixer to the Newinput.dll file. Don't use the fixed DLLs anymore, as they are outdated by the TrackIR Fixer. Run the fixer in "C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\ka50\bin\stable". When you launch DCS Black Shark, Freetrack will detect that there is a new TrackIR game and it will ask you to input the name. From that point on, in the controller area, TrackIR will be listed. Note: You may have to scroll right in the controls area to see the TrackIR device. From there you can set up the Tune Axis.
Edited by iNSANiD on 07/11/2009 at 21h19.

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