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FreeTrack Forum > FreeTrack : English Forum > Support : FreeTrack Software > WARNING - does not work unless within 75cms (eg no plasmas!)

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shousa #1 29/04/2009 - 00h01

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Despite much discussion on these forums - there is no sticky or discussion about the distance in which this works.

I wasted money on the TrackIR clip because I did not know this.

Hope others do not waste their money either.
jbalat #2 29/04/2009 - 04h37

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If you are using a wii remote on bluetooth then you just move it closer to you
shousa #3 29/04/2009 - 09h09

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jbalat, I must be missing something, your answer of "just move it closer to you" makes no sense to me. Since other people may read your comment and then waste money on this I wonder if you have, for their benefit, thought it through?

I do not have a Wii remote.

I have a webcam.

But it would make no difference anyway.

I have checked that in order for FreeTrack to work with it (by much trial and error and with the help of friends to move both the webcam and TrackIR clip that the webcam would need to be about 2/3rds of the distance between me and the Plasma (closest to me) and around my head height or slightly higher/lower.

This means the webcam or Wii remote would need to be "floating" in front of the plasma and blocking my view of the plasma (not to mention having something to "mount" the webcam on again in front of the plasma).

This means FreeTrack cannot be used on large screens without obscuring the view in a ridiculous way that would need to be put up, settings done and checked etc and dismantled every single time you used it.

My warning was to ensure others are not disapointed if they have large screens and to forgo FreeTrack (or similar) altogether because I have done the testing myself (with others). I repeat - if you have a large screen eg Plasma then just forget this. Unlike a Wii remote which can be used at such distances with a Wii this system requires you to have your face planted merely centimetres from the screen.
Zaphod #4 29/04/2009 - 13h58

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The max distance is variable, depending entirely on your hardware. Most webcams have a zoom feature that let you crop a high resolution video into a more manageable size that is focused on the subject, this should allow you to use the clip at a distance. You should have also removed your webcam's IR filter if you haven't already. The TrackIR clip was never designed to work at a distance and really needs to be bigger if zooming is unavailable.
shousa #5 30/04/2009 - 00h21

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Sigh...of course I have taken out the IR filter!

Don't buy TrackIR clip if you have a plasma - end of story.
Edited by shousa on 30/04/2009 at 00h34.
shousa #6 06/05/2009 - 09h09

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Just for the record I have found what many will think is not a real solution for obvious reasons but is good enough for me.

Put black sticky tape on the top 2 TrackIR LEDs.

Set up FreeTrack with single point (only 2DOF not 6DOF).

Note: I have found that the 2DOF tracking is very accurate at distance.
Edited by shousa on 06/05/2009 at 09h12.
Chriss #7 06/05/2009 - 11h01

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Hi, i read it also somewhere else that its a problem when u use a webcam which is not proper configured/sensitive enough for IR-light sources.

And the Track-Clip u are using does not make a very bright enough light source for your cam most likely.
shousa #8 14/05/2009 - 04h16

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Chriss @ 06/05/2009 - 13h01 a dit:

Hi, i read it also somewhere else that its a problem when u use a webcam which is not proper configured/sensitive enough for IR-light sources.

And the Track-Clip u are using does not make a very bright enough light source for your cam most likely.

No issue for me - can see it PERFECTLY!

Perhaps I should have explained it further.

The issue at distance is from simple mathematics - at distance when you move your head the 3 IR LEDS converge. It really is as simple as that. If they were further apart (like homemade ones on this forum) then this is not an issue.

The further the distance the further apart the LEDs need to be. For example imagine the LEDS are only 0.5 cms apart on your hat/clip - obviously it will not work if you are metres away. Now imagine they are 50cms apart, obviously the distance it will work at without converging would be many times greater.

That is why the TrackIR Clip is a waste of money if you have a plasma.

That is the only issue i had.
Edited by shousa on 14/05/2009 at 04h24.
shousa #9 14/05/2009 - 04h23

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Zaphod @ 29/04/2009 - 15h58 a dit:

The max distance is variable, depending entirely on your hardware. Most webcams have a zoom feature that let you crop a high resolution video into a more manageable size that is focused on the subject, this should allow you to use the clip at a distance. You should have also removed your webcam's IR filter if you haven't already. The TrackIR clip was never designed to work at a distance and really needs to be bigger if zooming is unavailable.

I bought the Microsoft VX-1000 so no zoom at all. Good point though I guess this could work for some.
MrRocketShooZ #10 15/05/2009 - 12h40

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Couldnt you just put the webcam on a table/chair/stool/something closer to you but below the plasma screen? Or just to one side? My rig works fine with the webcam offset quite a long way to one side. Surely there is a way to get it closer without blocking your view. Alternatively I've seen webcams with telescopic lenses on them.
shousa #11 18/05/2009 - 02h35

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MrRocketShooZ @ 15/05/2009 - 14h40 a dit:

Couldnt you just put the webcam on a table/chair/stool/something closer to you but below the plasma screen? Or just to one side? My rig works fine with the webcam offset quite a long way to one side. Surely there is a way to get it closer without blocking your view. Alternatively I've seen webcams with telescopic lenses on them.

I have tried by holding the TrackIR in my hand and trying subtle movements and found they converge because of the distance and also angles.

The only place I did not get the convergence issue was when it was blocking the screen (webcam and tower to hold webcam on top of coffee table).

How far away is your webcam and what angle is it compared to your head's position?
MrRocketShooZ #12 18/05/2009 - 11h29

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I've tried it from about 60-150cm and about 35 degrees off centre. You should be able to have it to the side without blocking the screen easily. Or below it. You'll probably need a USB extention cable but it shouldnt be hard.
shousa #13 19/05/2009 - 01h41

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MrRocketShooZ @ 18/05/2009 - 13h29 a dit:

I've tried it from about 60-150cm and about 35 degrees off centre. You should be able to have it to the side without blocking the screen easily. Or below it. You'll probably need a USB extention cable but it shouldnt be hard.

Thanks for your answer
Just making sure you are using the clip, right?

Here is the product:

Says it can do up to your 150cms but this requires it, from my testing, to be "head height". My problem is not the angle at head height but the fact it needs to be either:
1) below head height (about my belly button's height)  and over 80cms away (on coffee table)
2) or above head height by 20cms and maybe 170cms away (on top of Plasma)

Anything else and it is smack in the middle of the plasma.

Further more testing directly from the top of the plasma (up 20cms from my head height) shows convergence occuring at anything beyond 85cms.

So it seems that a combination of height vs distance is the problem but not angle in my case because I have it straight in front of me.
Edited by shousa on 19/05/2009 at 01h41.
MrRocketShooZ #14 24/05/2009 - 02h40

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You could try making the clip bigger to prevent convergence, use bigger LEDs (or maybe double per point?) to get it brighter.
shousa #15 28/05/2009 - 03h04

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MrRocketShooZ @ 24/05/2009 - 04h40 a dit:

You could try making the clip bigger to prevent convergence, use bigger LEDs (or maybe double per point?) to get it brighter.

I don't have a problem with brightness in anyway at all.

Making the clip bigger could work but........

I am now playing Il-2 Sturmovik with
1) FreeTrack - 1 point (2DOF)
2) FOVChanger (new freeware just come out - cannot use 6DOF with it, gives true widescreen for 1,2 or 3 monitors, zoom function in this is incredible because it is not just zoom but FOV changes)
3) Have programmed Saitek X52 joystick for FOVChanger
4) 1 point tracking is easy to setup and "accurate"

This is better than Il-2 with 6DOF I believe as widescreen is awesome.

So I am happier this way (after all that!).

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