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RSS >  Help me for my first model
maximus55 #1 04/04/2009 - 22h50

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 2
Registered on : 04/04/2009

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Hello everyone, I would like to get some help on how to construct a 3 point model. I'm planning on using a wiimote and I have found the IR LEDs here

Can someone please confirm that the forward voltage is 1.2 V? I'm not too sure how to read the table on that website and I can't tell if the forward current is 12 or 20 mA. I would really appreciate it if someone could clarify this for me.
Next, I plan on using 4 AA NiMH batteries which are labelled with 1.2 V so my voltage value is 4.8 V, correct?
According to the "LED Assembly Wizard" I either need a 100 or 62 ohm resistor with this setup assuming the current is either 12 or 20 mA. Now which one is it??

Thank you,
Karin #2 05/04/2009 - 06h10

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 25
Registered on : 17/03/2009

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Yes, looks like the forward voltage is 1.2V.

Not totally sure about the current, but I'd go with 12mA.  Sounds a bit on the low side to me though, but there are people on this board far more experienced than I who will hopefully chime in and tell you for sure.

Your 4 AA batteries will be 4.8V or 1.2V depending if they're connected in series or parallel, respectively.

For example, these are connected in series (note the voltages):
Posted Image

And these are connected in parallel:
Posted Image

Also, with those LEDs you may want to sand them down a bit so that the infrared light they emit forms a wider beam than they do currently.  I used a disposable nail file, but sandpaper, a concrete surface, etc works well too.  If you sand it down to about 2mm above the inside emitter components, you'll get a nice wide beam that your wiimote will more easily be able to track as you turn your head.

Hope that helps, and good luck!
maximus55 #3 05/04/2009 - 07h18

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 2
Registered on : 04/04/2009

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Thank you for the response Karin. I have taken a few physics classes in the past and know a few basics like connecting cells in series or parallel. I'll keep the sanding in mind.

I hope someone can clear up the forward current though.

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