wow great software, been drooling over the videos and intend to use it for black shark
so i bought a M$ vx-1000 and the IR led's that some kind soul posted earlier with the following spec:
now i have a universal DC adapter here which is 300ma and can run off 3v, 4.5v, 6v, 7v, 9v and 12v
would prefer to have it powered so dont need to keep pumping batteries into it
now the question is what is the voltage I should ideally run it off? 9v? and what kinda resistors will i need
also what is the name of the component that i can plug the DC adapter into and run the wires from it for the circuit? (have been looking for a good few hours lol)
would any of these do the job?
link 1 link2
thanks soooo much for any help