Class : Apprenti
Posts : 1
Registered on : 24/01/2009
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I have the trackIR camera and have downloaded the Optitrack SDK. I want to use the TrackIR camera, through the Optitrack interface, through Freetrack, and then get the pitch, yaw etc., as an input to Matlab. So far, I cannot see any camera from Freetrack. Do I need to develop some application in the Optitrack SDK? Is there not some basic exe file that someone has already developed just to talk to the camera and input the data to Freetrack?
If I have to write some code using Optitrack SDK, is there any hints available to just get the minimum functionality I need? I am not a programmer (just know enough to be dangerous!).
I have quad core Vista PC, have tried both the latest version of Optitrack SDK and the prior one (which is known to be cmpatible), I have removed other webcam drivers from my pc too.