Archie @ 05/01/2009 - 21h08 a dit:
I also don't want to use a BlueTooth solution (Wii) because of not healthy radiation from it.
Bluetooth is a very low power RF specification. I can see where some people have concerns over folks wearing trancievers upon their heads (ie. Bluetooth telephone headsets). However, to use a Wiimote-based FreeTrack, the transceivers are at the computer and wherever you place the Wiimote (typically on top of your display). The radiation dose / power level drops off in an inverse square relationshipn with distance from the source. In other words, you shouldn't be getting an exposure that could remotely (pardon the pun) be considered an unhealthy level.
That being said, good luck with the non-web camera approach! Alternative solutions are good options to have, so long as it doesn't drain valuable developer time away from the aspects of FreeTrack that need the most attention.