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RyanMelling #1 17/10/2008 - 20h18

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Hi All

Abit of help please. I had Free-track and head set working sweet with 2.2.
I have just got my new X52 flight system and now i carn't get the dame thing working. Mouse emulation and ppjoy doesn't work. The only thing i can think off its the software installed which came with the X52 which has taken over the emulation the free-track was running on.

Has anyone else had a problem running the X52 and Free-track in LOFK's

Thanks for the help

RyanMelling #2 17/10/2008 - 23h19

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Well i have uninstalled everything and the same thing is happening. The only thing i can think off is the view settings for the HAT view is whats stopping it. Im going to try another idea tomorrow,
RyanMelling #3 19/10/2008 - 16h09

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Ok, What i had done this time is installed Bluesoleil and got a wii remote working in Free-track. But ppjoy would not pick it up. So i went back to the web cam and ppjoy working with that but when in game its so jerky I carn't even use it.

Played with some settings still no luck. Restarted the computer because i wanted to reinstall the Saitek X52 profile software from a fresh reboot, then Free track wouldn't pick up the web cam nor the Wii remote. It saw the dots from my LED head set but the red/green dot wouldn't go to green.....(there was no interfernce noted)

Rebooted again and no joy. Uninstalled free-track, rebooted, then new install worked fine. Trying to run the PPjpoy using the Wii remote it wouldn't have it but with the web cam it did......any ideas???

Anyway, got the ppjoy going in Lock on but the movement is irratic basically unusable. Has anyone had a similar problem or am i just missing something??

Note Previously I used a CH Yoke and pedals and IR headset no problems at all, smooth as silk, come to run with the X52 its all gone to pot..... Not a happy bunny atm...

Any help would be really really gratefull, thanks

didja #4 19/10/2008 - 19h37

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Hey Ryan !

I got some similars problems with a previous version of FreeTrack and a Saitek Cyborg Evo Force (the soft for the profiles are the same as yours). Unfortunately, I had to desinstall it (the profile manager) so I could use FreeTrack with Condor. By the way, I was able to use my joystick (by mapping the keys directly into the game) then it was worth it ^^ ...

Good luck !

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RyanMelling #5 19/10/2008 - 22h56

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Thanks didja
Ill give that a try tomorrow evening.
Just by curiosity did you still have to use the free-track as PPJOY ?
and did you have to do any further settings/tweaks in game for it to run smoothly? Or did you just use the Free-Track global settings ?

didja #6 20/10/2008 - 17h36

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I can't help you about lock on since I just don't have it... Sorry about that ... ;)

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RyanMelling #7 20/10/2008 - 20h34

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I got it just a min ago. When i got the PPJOY going i used the PPJOYMOUSE for the virtual joystick and it sorted it. I will remember that in future.

I might even try it with the wii remote since i got it going.... :p  At last, every day at work was trying to think of that many combinations....

Anyway m8, thanks alot for your help and reply... :D

didja #8 21/10/2008 - 17h49

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Nice to see you fixed it !! :D

Rémy ;)
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RyanMelling #9 01/11/2008 - 12h09

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Just to let all you peeps know some of the problems ive been having again, this might help people out.
I had to do a system restore about 3 weeks ago and Free-Track, lock-on went tits up big time, took me 3 weeks to sort, well got it sorted last night. This might help if you have the same thing or one of the problems.

Free-track not running in Lock-on Flamming Cliffs using Saitek X52 and profile manager and free-track moving irratically.
• Latest Saitek profile manager (from web site) not picking up previous versions. **Use the manager which came with the disc/controller**
• Running Free Track 2.2 - I found that i couldn't get any of my settings sorted using this version, i even tried and tested a Wii Remote to no satisfaction. In game very irractic movements.

• Uninstalled Lock-on (remember to get Registry keys for the game), Free-track v2.2, profile manager, Virtual joystick software.
• When you are happy with EVERYTHING is off - reboot - create a restore point after bootup.
• Install in the following order - Lock-on Flamming Cliffs - Joysticks X52 - free-Track 2.1.2. **Not Version 2.2**
• Run Registry file (Saved) to load in Reg for Lock-On, run game to make sure its loaded.
• Run the parallel port joystick software by adding a PPJOY virtual joystick. 3 Axis, 0 buttons, 0 Hats.
• Start Free-track 2.1.2 tick joystick picking the controller number you have created **Keep window open**
• Control manager to Joysticks to calibrate, at this point i had the 2 windows open. When you get to final part there's a calibration box which shows + in a box. I used this for fine tuning movement using free-track. Using v2.2 everything i tried to slow the movement and quick snapping failed.
• Added a profile you have or dl'ed for the X52 and install to controller
• Started Lock-On - Flamming cliffs (LOFC)
• Inputs - PPJOY and cleared everything and set Horizontal (Axis 0) and virtical axis (Axis 1). Go to Response to set the following (Settings Left to Right, increments in 1's_
Horizontal= Shift 5, D-Zone 0, Curve 3
Vertical = Shift 5, D-Zone 0, Curve 2 (i had to invert axis, option bottom)

**Make sure you have Curve added, if not its very very fast movements so its snapping to views as opposed smoothness**

Ran the game and other than just slight tweaking in Free-track its running MINT. Free-Track 2.2 just wasn't right with this game. I tried everything but to nothing. So if your having trouble with 2.2 go back a version you never know.

I hope this helps and if anyone wants screen shots of my settings PM me and ill do you some. Its been a very very frustrating 3 weeks to get Free-track going, so if this helps anyone, im a happy man.

Quarrion #10 01/11/2008 - 12h35

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why are you using ppjoy with lofc instead of the native trackir interface?
RyanMelling #11 01/11/2008 - 15h08

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It wouldn't work...
RyanMelling #12 01/11/2008 - 16h09

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sorry, i should explain, it wouldn't work due to the X52 profile manager intrupts with the TR interface hence using ppjoy.

Laidback #13 11/11/2008 - 15h54

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On the X52, I can't get the manager that came with the disk working.  I keep getting some kind of error message when I load a profile saying there's no profile in it or something.  How did you get it to work?  I hate the new software on the site.

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