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RSS >  freetrack 2.2 working perfect!!!
teo #1 12/10/2008 - 08h33

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I use double install of 2.1 and 2.2 to access camera options through 2.1
because in 2.2 camera options are inaccessible.

2.2 has very good tracking and fps.

working in open falcon smouth.

I had to rebuild my model because the upper led (in 3 point cap) didnt have much depth. You MUST have more depth than hight!!!

now working perfect and i get good fps (30) and jitter (0)

Also ir filter removed in my vx3000 and floppy disk filter placed instead.
eyucel #2 12/10/2008 - 09h39

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You are also open falcon fan. That's great. I also got it working with 2.2 and wiimote (you must have this one for sure-you get 120 fps wotks smoothly). My problem is in 3d cockpit, I fixed the HUD floating issue but not the buttons. I can't find where the buttons are. Have you fixed that.
eyucel #3 12/10/2008 - 09h40

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Also, what have you done with the cap would you ps provide more info on that. 10x
teo #4 12/10/2008 - 09h54

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I also cant use the buttons in 3d

My model is a microsoft headset with 3 leds on it
one on top and two left and right.
The leds are glued on 3 normal pens and through the pens passing the cables.
The pens are then glued on the headset with hot silicon.
All you have to do after is measure the distances and insert them into the progam.
You must have more depth than hight wich means that the inner led must have greater distance  from the other two, than the distance in vertical.
eyucel #5 17/10/2008 - 06h53

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Thanks Teo.
Laidback #6 17/10/2008 - 15h21

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It just isn't worth it if you can't use the buttons.  I switched back to 2.12 because of it.  For some reason, the cockpit buttons are way off in 3d.  You have to move  your mouse around until you get a hit and then hope it's the button  you're looking for.  I found the power button way back by the master fuel switch.....ridiculous.  Can't fly OF that way.
eyucel #7 18/10/2008 - 20h59

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Hi Laidback,

I assume your OF 4.5 works fine in 3D cockpit with clickable buttons in place. I wonder what you mean by your saying " I switched back to 2.12 because of it."  I assume Freetrack 2.1.2. Because I am having the same problem with OF. I kindly request a clear info how I can get the OF running in 3d cockpit with the clickable buttons in place. Take care
Laidback #8 22/10/2008 - 18h58

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In OF my 3d cockpit works fine.  All the buttons work.  When I installed FT2.2, all the buttons were way off for some reason.  It didn't work too good.  When I uninstalled FT 2.2 and installed FT 2.1.2, the buttons were back to where they're suppose to be.  I don't know if FT 2.2 changed the graphics in the 3d cockpit or not, but there's something going on with it that makes all the buttons not where they are suppose to be.
eyucel #9 27/10/2008 - 21h43

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Really appreciate your response and time. Take care

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