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RSS >  Help FT wont star Access violation
Stewsayer #1 06/05/2013 - 00h56

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Just trying to get Ft running on my system and I keep getting this error on startup before FT crashes out.

Exception EAccessViolation in module FreeTrack.exe at 00019779. Access violation at address 00419779 in module FreeTrack.exe. Read of address 40239CA6.

I have a Microsoft VX-1000 cam. Running on a core i7 laptop with 64bit Windows 7. I have set the dpi to 96 and have tried running in WinXP SP3 compatability mode. Native res for my vid card and screen is 1920x1080 32bit colour.

Can anyone help?
Stormrider #2 06/05/2013 - 10h53

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Hi Stewsayer,
If you search on this forum for that error code you see that alot is written about it.Some people say that they have found a solution(work around) for it but for others it doesn't work.

The only thing I know for sure is that freetrack can work with your operating system and webcam.
The things you can do: uninstall your webcam, and freetrack.The best way to do so is use a tool named Revo-uninstaller.
If you have use Revo, all the leftovers of Ft and your webcam software are gone.Just like it has never been on your Laptop.
Turn of UAC(user account control) so you doný have problem with admin rights.

Install Ft with admin rights and win xp sp3 compatability mode.
instal you webcam, wait with plugging in your webcam till prompted. And set everything to default.
These are my settings, I have win7 64bit, ms vx3000webcam, I hope you understand dutch a little :D :
Posted Image

greetz Stormrider
Edited by Stormrider on 06/05/2013 at 10h54.
Stewsayer #3 06/05/2013 - 11h51

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Thanks Stormrider.

I tried the fixes on the forum with no luck.

So I downloaded the previous version of FreeTrack and installed that and it works fine.  I'm going to play with it for a while like this and see if I can get it doing what I want.

I need to sort out my LED layout (currently just taped to a hat and losing the top one over the peak when tilting up) and the camera settings, focus and filtering. I had it working in FSX this afternoon looking around the cockpit about 80% effectively.

Stewsayer #4 07/05/2013 - 08h56

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So I tried v2.2 again today after reading that the wiimote works well. I figure no cable and better FPS has to be worth it.

I downloaded REVO-unistaller and removed all traces of FT 2.1 and 2.2 and the microsoft life cam stuff and drivers that go with my cam.

I reinstalled FT 2.2 in XP SP3 compat mode and as an admin (only thing I didn't do was disable UAC, how do you do that in win7. But my account is admin anyway). and the cam drivers. I still got the same error. I tried doing it a couple more times before going back to V2.1. I also made sure I had windows set to 96dpi and tried with and without XP style scaling.

An interesting note is that I ended up with 2.1 and 2.2 installed together at one stage in my iterations and 2.1 was giving the same error. Yet when only 2.1 is installed it works fine.

So anymore ideas would be helpful.

As another question what is the max distance from the cam that FT will track effectively? As I said above I'm using a laptop. I run it plugged into my 81cm LCD TV using HDMI. I've been setting the camera about 1.5 to 2m in front of me and below eye line of the TV. I've tried to set it so the triangle of my LEDS (currently using red visible LEDS from a bike light) is centered on the cross hairs in the preview tab. This is giving me a few issues with some directions of movement. I'm thinking that my rig is a little sloppily put together at this stage and that combined with the distance is resulting in two of the LEDs appearing a to be too close together. I gather most have the cam on top of a monitor around 0.3 to 0.5m away. I've ordered Track clip pro as its easier to get than the right IR LEDs where I am and about the same cost.
Stormrider #5 07/05/2013 - 10h56

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Hi Stewsayer,

disableling uac:go to the tab where you can change the password of your account, there you can change the security settings of your account.I have it disabled so I dont get questions if Iam sure that I want to install or remove something.

As another question what is the max distance from the cam that FT will track effectively?

What you need for good tracking is: the three dots must be good visible and not blending together.If this happens and you need the distance away of your Tv, enlarge your model.If you fill in the right dimensions(realy very important for good tracking) it should work fine.I sit approx. 1 meter of my webcam.

something to try

Keep in mind, it will take some time to get it work, but it gives you so much more fun in playing.
The benefits of using a wii:  less cpu usage, not importend anymore because of dualcore cpu etc
Something I always had problems with, randomly disconneting of bluetooth.
I prefer something with a cable.

greetz Stormrider
Stewsayer #6 07/05/2013 - 17h09

Class : Apprenti
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Thanks Stormrider.

Thats what I thought the UAC was. I had that slider set on the second lowest setting. I guess I should try again on the lowest. I am thinking of giving FacetrackNoIR a go with the point tracking plug in.

My light points end up pretty close at times. I guess close enough to lose definition at times and ceratin angles. More fiddling. I can move the cam closer (it has no zoom unfortunately).

Stormrider #7 08/05/2013 - 11h01

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hi Stewsayer,
You are using vilsible red-leds?Did you know that they give a better viewing angle if you file them down.

greetz Stormrider
Edited by Stormrider on 08/05/2013 at 11h02.
Stewsayer #8 08/05/2013 - 14h03

Class : Apprenti
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Thanks Stormrider,

I've filed the ends off them already. I did test it before filing the ends (actually I used a brand new Stanley knife blade and cut the ends off resulting in a nice clean surface for the most part).

Today I spent a bit more time making a more permanent rig and measuring it more accurately. I also changed my webcam location. Using a mic boom stand I was able to both center it under the TV (wall mounted) and move it closer to where I sit. End result had me flying in War Thunder within around half an hour. I still need to tweak the curves and sensitivity a little but its definitely usable. the only drawback is I have to pull the whole setup down when i am finished or the mrs. will kill me. Hopefully i wont have too much trouble setting it back up in the right place.

now just looking forward to my IR clip turning up. One day post has turned into the 20/5 as it suddenly seems to be out of stock. oh well. I've read a  conflicting posts about natural light filtering. What is the best way to go. Exposed film, Old Floppy disc or something else. I'd rather not buy a filter if I can make one.

Stormrider #9 09/05/2013 - 10h59

Class : Légende du Forum
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Hi Stewsayer,
I use a "floppydisc"filter with my ms vx3000.I don't have any problems with it.
I think you just have to try.
greetz Stormrider

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