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RSS >  Problems with Windows 8.1, On Windows 8.1, FreeTRack does not work!! #1 21/05/2017 - 13h35

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 4
Registered on : 22/09/2016

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Hi everyone!

I have a notebook with Windows 8.1 installed, and I´m trying to install FreeTrack on it.

I execute the .exe file as adminstrator, the instalation is concluded, but when I try to open FreeTrack, a window message appears, and the software does not work.

The message is "The application cannot be initialized correctly (0xc000007b). Clivk OK to clode the application"

There is any one that can help me, please??

Thanks in advance!

Stormrider #2 26/05/2017 - 11h08

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Registered on : 02/01/2013

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I don't know how to fix this or what is causing it.Maybe give opentrack or Ftnoir a try. #3 27/05/2017 - 01h13

Class : Apprenti
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Registered on : 22/09/2016

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I´ve tried with the previous version, 2.1.2 instead of using 2.2. This time FreeTrack is executed, but when I click start with the webcam, it crashes...
There is any possibility of incompatibility with windows 8.1? #4 28/05/2017 - 11h20

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 4
Registered on : 22/09/2016

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Hello, everyone!!

Problem solved!!
I have an ASUS notebook (K45VM), with Windows 8.1 system, and I´ve experienced problems using FreeTrack 2.2.
Then I installed the previous release (2.1.2), and at least that one run on my computer...
But when I try to connect withg the webcam, FreeTrack crashes, and not even showedthe image at right...
Whell, reading some posts at this forum, I found a reference for Split Cam software, wich as long I understand, is an software that creates a filter for the webcam, controlling all image parameters, and then allowing me to configure it correctlyin order to be able to use with FreeTrack.
Now, instead of choosing the Webcam itself, I choose "SplitCam Video Driver", that is the output of Split Cam.
Now, I can control all Webcam parameters and set it correctly to use with FreeTrack.
Important: the Webcam is anByTech BY94002, very cheap, with infrared led, and I had to connect it in an 2.0 USB port, directly on the computer (USB hub does not work).
Other important thing is to use a piece radiographic film in front of the lens, in order to create a filter for the leds (i´m using white leds, from a 12V led strip).

Hope to help someone with this post...

And thank very much Stormrider for the reply. I tried FaceTrackNoIR, but it does not runned on my computer as well... And I tested openTrack too, it worked, but FreeTrack is much better!!

Best regards to all!!

Vinicio Lucas Vargas

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