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FreeTrack Forum > FreeTrack : English Forum > Support : Tracking System > My ps3 eye cam moves by itself when I am tracking myself

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fostiras #1 02/08/2015 - 17h29

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 3
Registered on : 02/08/2015

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I need your help guys. Whenever I am tracking myself and I am ingame, the camera moves to the opposite direction according to my position :( . This is very frustrating for me especially when I am trying to lean. And this only happens when I am ingame. I was thinking that a clip would keep the camera stable but guess what, it doesn't. If there is no solution, can anyone at least explain what's happening? Thanks a lot!
Steph #2 03/08/2015 - 07h49

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I don't know if I'm well follow your problem if you just want to invert the tracking direction check the "invert" case in profil -> settings.

In some cases high sensitivity leads to an inverted movement when the tracking output movement is going over 90° which is quit normal. You can avoid this by checking the relativ translation options in the advance section:

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fostiras #3 06/08/2015 - 08h22

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 3
Registered on : 02/08/2015

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Well tbh I only had problems with the X axis. I solved my obvious problem by inverting that axis only. Anyways, I appreciate the fact that you reply to every single topic here. Thanks for your answer.
Edited by fostiras on 06/08/2015 at 08h22.

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