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FreeTrack Forum > FreeTrack : English Forum > Support : FreeTrack Software > FIXED---FT and ARMA 2 High FPS causing POV fidget.---FIXED

RSS >  FIXED---FT and ARMA 2 High FPS causing POV fidget.---FIXED, SOLUTION: FPS cap. (I used 120fps)
Mr_Amway #1 23/02/2015 - 01h27

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 12
Registered on : 23/12/2014

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Hi there. Love FT. It's just ace. Awesome. Brilliant. Fantastic!

FIXED---> FPS cap. Used "RivatunerStatisticsServer" that came with MSI afterburner.  Capped FPS at 120 and no more frame fidget when flying into the sun! WOOOP!!!

Short story:

When the ingame FPS goes up (over 150fps) the pov flickers.
So if i look at the sky in ARAM2 the POV fidgets. if look at the ground it stops.
This is not great for flying!
If I turn FT off it stops. If the ingame FPS goes low then it stops.

Long story:

Got FT working. got a new cam (ps3 eye). Works better.

Traded up video card. in game FPS is way better. POV flickers randomly...

Arma 2 seems to be fidgeting it's POV (not framing)
An image flicks on of a slightly different POV. maybe a degree or less.
this flicker is not really related to anything in particular but it does stop when
FT is off. It even flickrs when the cam is coverd. (I though it was picking up
stray points of light OR that the IR image was changing size to outside the bounds)

After EXTENSIVE reloading of software I made no head way.

After in game testing and then the use of Fraps. I discoverd the Issue
only occured when the in game FPS went over 150 or so. then the issue got very bad indeed.

End of long story.

Sooo any good ideas baring addng loads of clouds to bring the FPS down???
(that will be my next quick fix :)

Chocks away!

Mr_Amway ( Struggling fighter pilot, I'm getting better!)
Edited by Mr_Amway on 23/02/2015 at 03h40.

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