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vowthyn #46 20/10/2007 - 17h44

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I use Microsoft VX 1000 at 30 FPS in RGB24 640x480 mode, it works perfect and is etremely responsive. I use 3 IR diode clip. I've removed IR filter and added visual light filter (made of photo negative). I've noticed, that number of FPS is affected by power of the batteries that support power for the IR diodes (wih poor alkaline batteries I had only 20 FPS, when using BP rechargable batteries 30 FPS is constant). It is also important, that the camera could only see 3 points where the diodes are, and nothing else (each lights reflex causes crosses blinking in preview windows, and FPS drop), but I can assure that this camera is perfect choice for the Free Track when used in proper conditions.
Thanks for this great piece of program, it has amazingly good setup and kicks ass, when properly configured. I use it with Lock On FC, and Flight Simulator X, and in both it works fantastic :-)
Edited by vowthyn on 20/10/2007 at 17h47.
Keiler #47 21/10/2007 - 13h55

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I use the Saitek W300 face tracking webcam.

costs about 20-30€, works flawlessly, all auto settings can be disabled and munaully adjusted thereafter. I420 is possible, at 320x240 (3point clip) I get stable 30 fps, higher resolutions work as well at high fps, but I didnt go further than that for Freetrack useage. Minimized Freetrack utilizes, together with cam, 1-3% CPU resources (Opteron 175), so no noticable FPS drain. Very resposive.

It also has an in-built Mic, which has to be disabled in the sound menu of the Systemcontrols, otherwise it distorts overall voice quality due to overlay.

I can give unrestricted recommendations for utilization with Freetrack!  :love:

Edited by Keiler on 21/10/2007 at 13h56.
Jimi #48 24/10/2007 - 12h13

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Genius VideoCam Messenger works too.
Avarage 30 FPS, low price (<20 EUR), works well with IR LEDs too (no mods needed)

Some problems with FreeTrack crashing, maybe not the webcam's fault.
didja #49 24/10/2007 - 12h55

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Jimi @ 24/10/2007 - 14h13 a dit:

Some problems with FreeTrack crashing, maybe not the webcam's fault.

Thanks for your feedback ! :)

Before udtating the list, I will wait your confimation about that ;) .

Rémy ;)
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Jimi #50 24/10/2007 - 21h11

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U can add it. Although i would recomend some other cam it does work fine with RGB compression (occasional drop of FPS in I420 compression mode).
vowthyn #51 25/10/2007 - 06h52

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I've tested another two:

Labtec Webcam plus - Low price, extremely good performance. With orange led diodes it gives 30-33FPS at 0-5 jitter. Cpu usage 3-10% on AMD 3000+ Venice.
However - IR filter is vry strong (camera didn't see IR diodes, which my VX 1000 could see very good even before I've removed IR filter), and I've heard (I didn't try it myself) that in this model IR filter is very difficult (if not impossible) to remove, so if You're planning to use IR diodes, better check this before buying it.

Genius GE-111
- Veeeery poor - I've tried as hard as I could, but i only got about 11-15FPS max from this one. Not recommended.
Edited by vowthyn on 25/10/2007 at 06h57.
Deimos #52 07/11/2007 - 19h13

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Labtec Webcam Pro - Similar to Labtec webcam plus - very good performance, cpu usage @1-3% on AMD Sempron 2800+. The IR filter is strong, so i had to power the LEDs with about 80-100mA to make them clearly visible to the webcam @1/33s exposure, but it worked just fine with visible light filter (two layers of black developed photographic film). The only drawback was that the battery i used to power the LEDs got drained really fast.
However after removing the IR filter (wasn't that hard - tutorial will come shortly) it really rocks - the leds are clearly visible even at minimal exposure and minimal gain setting, even with the battery partially drained.
In both cases, the cam gave steady 30fps framerate.
Pastrin #53 09/11/2007 - 11h04

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Well I have just set up my EYE TOY for PS2 SCHE-0004 and I am using it in Flight Simulator X with perfect results in 3 points cap config.
Volans #54 14/11/2007 - 09h04

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Hallo all, and thank you for this wonderful piece of sotware.
I tried freetrack 2.1 with a three point cap mount and a A4tech PK-335MB web camera. I bought this camera at 15 euro, and works  very well with freetrack: 28 constant fps and 0-8 jitter. However seems to work best with visible light leds, when I tried with ir leds they are seen by the camera very poor,and when I obturated the lens with magnetic disc (from a floppy) camera couldn't see ir leds at all.
  Well, I thought that must be an ir filter somewhere, so I disassembled the camera, but can not find least he didn't popped into my eyes. I searched the net but couldn't find any relevant info.
 So, can anyone, please give me a clue? Does this model have an ir filter? If so, where is it, and how can be removed? Thanks in advance.
 If it help, I can post some pictures with camera disassembled.
Volans #55 17/11/2007 - 10h36

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Update: With some help from Deimos, tristan68 and Kestrel I was able to resolve both ir filter and exposure setting.
 With a little patience one can remove relativley easy the ir filter from the a4tech 335mb cam, I tried to describe the way I did it. See this thread:

Also, using a little handy tool named "enable button" (see also this thread: ), I was able to uncheck the grayd auto exposure setting from camera's driver. One might use as well the "force auto exposure" feature of the freetrack v 2.1. To be shure, I use d both metods... :D , and the camera now keep the 0 exposure seting.
So, I ended with an excelent "ir" cam for freetrack, now it see only the ir marker, no matter what ambient light is present, and most important I have constant 28 fps and 0-3 (!!!) jitter. I, therefore, recomand this cam.
 I'd like to thank, once again, to developers of this excellent software, and also to forum members for their help.
FlatLyna #56 29/11/2007 - 11h12

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Hi Guys, I bought a Labtec Webcam Plus SE version (comes with a mono headset) for £5.99uk. As mentioned before it has a fairly strong IR filter and it is really easy to remove and increases the performance.

Take the two screws out of the base of the camera and carefully remove it - there are two clips on the front of the base that will unlatch.
Seperate the two halves of the camera, again they have clips holding it together.  Once apart you can unscrew the lens and the IR filter is the square of coated galss on the back.  I used a knife to gently take it out.
At this point you can replace with with exposed film or floppy disk filter ( I used floppy).    Reassemble and you're good to go, total time was about 10 mins.

I've tried a 3 point clip and find the roll hard to get without big interactions with other axis.  I will try a cap config as I'm used to a cap with my trackIR2 setup.

Keep up the great work guys as FreeTrack is an awesome system.
Pascal #57 02/12/2007 - 22h58

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I've used a Logitech QuickCam Zoom. I removed the IR-stop filter and now I can use the cam perfectly without the floppy-filter. It's not necesssary.
It works perfectly in day sunlight. It does not save camera settings.
FPS are 29-30 all the time.

Very good.
Gounok #58 05/12/2007 - 21h07

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Sangha LTI-355 (Click here to see what it looks like)
- Auto-exposure can't be disabled
- Low price (about 12 EUR in France)
- I420 compression not available

Worked... at 7 FPS max, whatever settings I tried.

Therefore not recommended.

I don't know if other Sangha webcams drivers have auto-exposure disabling feature, but I wouldn't buy another to try.

I have taken a Microsoft VX-1000 instead, and it seems to work (I have to fix the computer to properly test it, I will repost when it's done).

Thanks for your work ! :)
Tomkin #59 16/12/2007 - 17h12

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Hi all,

Hercules WEB Cam Deluxe works great !


usr #60 23/12/2007 - 19h20

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Labtech webcam plus: 30 fps, removable filter (have seen cams with easier filter removal as well as with more difficult filter removal), logitech driver, 40-50% CPU usage when running at max fps (a64 3000+) :(

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