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FreeTrack Forum > FreeTrack : English Forum > Games and Profiles > freetrack flaming cliffs2 and win 7 64 bits

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TINCHUS2009 #1 17/02/2012 - 18h57

Class : Apprenti
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Registered on : 14/02/2012

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I have FC2 (latest patch), and latest version of freetrack.
freetrack is configured (only 1 led) and works great, but I have not been able to make it work with this sim. First time I run the sim after installing freetrack, I got a message from the sim saying that a new trackir interface was detected and aked me to name it. After that, the sim started normally, but no head movemment detection. I checked in the freetrack window and head movement was being tracked perfectly.
Then I dscover trackirfixer, wich I installed in the /stable directory. After I run it, no "pached file" message appeared as I have been reading, and freetrack still not working in the sim.
My system is a win 7 64 bits.

can someone tell me is Im missing something?

Could anybody make freetrack work under win7 64 bits with flaming cliffs2?
Thanks in advance
dejandexa #2 26/02/2012 - 01h11

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 1
Registered on : 26/02/2012

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I have, LockOn Flaming Cliffs 2, Win7 64bit and i managed to make it work when i use TrackIRFixer v1.2.0.18 not TrackIRFixer v1.3.0.20. I hope that helped you.

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