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RSS >  Whoa! Plus a few hints...
mariopilot #1 20/10/2007 - 12h06

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 1
Registered on : 20/10/2007

Off line Www

Here is a new user... I downloaded Free-Track and started experimenting:
I'm enthusiastic! Even with the most ugly set-up built with one white bright 3-mm LED free-track was able to get something out of it. Worked very bad but was to expect as I built the pointing device with 2 AA batteries, the ugly 3-mm LED (that caused reflections everywhere) and some wire connecting it all with insulation tape... I wonder what this software can do if a proper setup is bulit! A small 3-LED clip can be attached right to your glasses causing little or no annoyance! (3-LED cap also sounds good...)
So far that's what i found:

1) 3-mm white and bright LEDS are HORRIBLE... being them white is not easy to insulate them from other light sources...

2) My trust 1200P webcam is pretty fine for the job... (can you add it to the supported webcams list?) with proper settings gives out a steady 28-30FPS...

3) If any Fs-2004 user plans to use this with single LED setup, I suggest to use PPJoy interface because it will not block your zoom tyo 1.0... (with the 3-LED setup you can of course use FSUIPC interface and zoom in-out I guess..!!

This thingy rocks!!
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