Class : Apprenti
Posts : 3
Registered on : 19/10/2013
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Are the new Wiimote with motion plus inside that the PC report as "RVL-CNT-01-TR" compatible with FreeTrack?
I'm asking that because I've bayed one and then realized that this revision had generated some incompatibility with many if not all PC's software that was mostly solved with a software update.
Since FreeTrack is no more maintained and I wasn't able to find any compatibility info on the web I'm asking to all you if know something about that.
I was able to pair and connect the device using the toshiba stack but FreeTrack still refuse to show the wiimote in the source selection menu.
Class : Apprenti
Posts : 3
Registered on : 19/10/2013
Off line
Well, I've got my hands on two earlier wiimote (no motion plus), they works perfectly out of the box so it's seems that FreeTrack doesn't support newest wiimote with motion plus inside (in store from 2011).
It's sad that this project died but maybe we can get in contact with the webmaster and add a compatibility warning in the FreeTrack handbook and website's info.