Class : Apprenti
Posts : 6
Registered on : 14/01/2010
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Well the FreeTrack point model seems to be constructed and working correctly. However, when I try it in Battle of Britain II or IL-2 1942 my view does not pan.
What have I over looked or not done so the FreeTrack will be recognized by the game. I also checked the Control Panel Game Controller and Free Track is not listed there, just the HOTAS.
Class : Apprenti
Posts : 6
Registered on : 14/01/2010
Off line
I am still working to get FreeTrack to work in a game. I have noticed that my web camera blinks off as the game is loading. When I stop the game and come back to FreeTracker there are three White dots rather than the red. Therefore, I started the game ( Battle of Britain II, or IL-2 1946) then Ctrl+Alt+ Del and started FreeTracker up again and checked the skull was tracking properly. Then clicked on the game so it resumed at the point it was in the program. No tracking results in the game. When I Ctrl+Alt+ Del again FT is still running but the IR Bulbs show again as white dots rather than the red and the skull is not responsive. Is there a way to restart FreeTracker while in the game since perhaps it is the switching of screens that is knocking out FT? Or are there any more ideas on what I should be doing. After reading some of the posts I have added TIRViews to the FreeTracker program.