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FreeTrack Forum > FreeTrack : English Forum > Support : FreeTrack Software > What is required to compile FreeTrack from source code?

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VideoInPicture #1 26/06/2008 - 04h59

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 1
Registered on : 26/06/2008

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Hello, I'm new here and am a programmer that have used C++ and C# to create programs. I have been coding a program in C# that allows a user to control a drawing program using a colored pen. Essentially, I working on making a program that allows the user to control the mouse by just using the webcam (including clicks and scrolling). I've got a basic working version but I just found this site and it looks like FreeTrack is a fine piece of software.

I'm interested in doing some development with it but I'm wondering which portions of the source code: do I need to download and compile if I just want the FreeTrack core with the client and without any extra plugins or options. I plan on using Free Pascal to compile the code since I do not have access to Delphi 7. Is there any special compiling instructions available?

If I get the new code working, I'll post it on a website for people to use.

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