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RSS >  [DIRT] Help :( 6DOF
rogermorse #1 29/05/2008 - 13h47

Class : Beta Tester
Posts : 59
Registered on : 11/05/2008

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Hello. Sorry if I'm posting so much...but I did buy Colin DiRT just to play it with 6 DOF. I was not interested in normal gameplay.

Naturalpoint says that to have 6 DOF you need to install the latest patch. I installed the first time both 1.1 and 1.2 patches. The second time I installed just the 1.2 on original version.

It always has problems. I can launch the game only with version 1.0. Whatever patch I install, the games doesn't start. Black screen, and I have to kill it. It works only if I don't install patch, but I can't have 6 DOF without patch.

Does anyone have had the same problem? I can't understand why patch makes this problem.

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