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RSS >  Wii Remote Connection Help!, Help Please!
Serpent355 #1 27/04/2016 - 23h53

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 3
Registered on : 27/04/2016

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Hello, so I connected my Wii Remote using a 4.0 Bluetooth Dongle, but when I select the Wii Remote on Free Track, it doesn't let me start the camera. Is there any way to fix this?

A Photo With The Problem:
Stormrider #2 29/04/2016 - 19h07

Class : Légende du Forum
Posts : 466
Registered on : 02/01/2013

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Maybe your problem is that the bluetooth stack you use is to new for freetrack and that is therefor not recognising in a proper way you wii remote.Or maybe your remoter is a newer type .....Iam afraid that I can't help you with this, I realy have no clue.
But if you want to start with a wii-remote because you just have it gathering dust.There is also something else what you can try if you have a smartphone.

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