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FreeTrack Forum > FreeTrack : Forum Francophone > Jeux, simulateurs et profils pour Freetrack > Freetrack et FS2004 ne communiquent pas ensemble sur mon PC [résolu]
Kestrel | #16 06/12/2007 - 03h11 |
Off line |
Remember head tracking is only possible in the Virtual Cockpit View. That's all I can think of, because everything else has been covered: *FT tracking correctly while FS9 running. *FSUIPC output checkbox ticked. *FSUIPC uses memory mapping to send data so can't be blocked by security software. *FS9.1 clean install. *FSUIPC 3.75 module installed. *No other FS9 modules or addons are installed. |
janfy | #17 08/12/2007 - 18h39 |
Class : Apprenti Off line |
Kestrel, j'ai bien vérifié que j'étais dans la configuration que tu indiques. J'ai même poussé le vice jusqu'à désinstaller complètement FS2004 (tous les fichiers), et le réinstaller proprement, avec le patch 9.1 en français, et sans autre supplément,au cas où. Rien ne change, le comportement est toujours le même. J'ai essayé avec et sans le driver Saitek : cela ne change rien. Dans les paramètres de FS2004, j'ai supprimé l'affectation du POV Hattrack au paramètre "vue panoramique", si bien qu'il est actuellement sans affectation. J'ai constaté que lorsque je suis sous FS2004, Freetrack se réduit dans la barre d'outils très fréquemment. D'autres fois, c'est la fenêtre FS2004 qui se réduit pour revenir au bureau Windows, sans raison : FS2004 fonctionne toujours et j'y retourne en cliquant sur le programme dans la barre des tâches. Il apparaît à mon avis un conflit entre ces deux applications. D'ailleurs, j'ai remarqué dans les logs du module FSUIPC que je ne récupérais pas systématiquement les données émises par Freetrack. Je résous le problème en revenant sur le bureau Windows, alors que FS2004 tourne toujours, j'arrête et je relance le problème Freetrack, et je reviens sous FS2004 : dans ce cas, les logs de FSUIPC contiennent systématiquement les données Freetrack, mais ça ne marche pas pour autant sous FS2004. Par ailleurs, j'ai installé CFS3 sur mon PC, et Freetrack communique très bien avec lui, via Tir Attack 1.6... Mais c'est FS2004 qui m'intéresse. Si vous parvenez à faire fonctionner Freetrack V2.1 et FS2004 ensemble, pouvez-vous me dire comment vous avez affecté les axes sous FS2004? (par le biais d'une capture d'écran, ou par écrit). Peut-être verrai-je une incohérence dans mes affectations de commandes, ou un paramètre qui empêche la vue de bouger... A moins que vous ayez d'autres idées à me suggérer. Merci d'avance, Jean-Philippe |
janfy | #18 08/12/2007 - 23h06 |
Class : Apprenti Off line |
Once again, and mainly for Kestrel who is my best helper (thank you), this is my latest post in English. Kestrel, I did verify again the configuration you've told me. I even uninstalled completely FS2004 (and all its files), and installed it again cleanly, with the 9.1 patch in French, with no other module. Nothing changed, the behaviour of my two programs is still the same. I both tried with and without the Saitek driver : nothing changed. In FS2004 parameters, I removed the value given to the "panoramical view" variable, so that it has no value currently. I noticed that when I'm under FS2004, Freetrack frequently reduces to the tools bar. Other times, the FS2004 window reduces so that I come back to Windows desktop, without any reason : FS2004 is still operating, and I can go back to it clicking on the program which still appears in the tasks bar. It seems to me there's a conflict between these two programs. I also noticed in FSUIPC logs that this module doesn't systematically gets the data delivered by Freetrack. I found the issue to go back to Windows desktop, while FS2004 is still running, and restart freetrack before coming back to FS2004. In this case, FSUIPC logs contain the expected data, but the panoramical view doesn't operate in FS2004 anyway. Otherwise, I installed CFS3 on my PC, and Freetrack communicates very well with it, via Tir Attack 1.6. But I'm mainly interested by FS2004 working. If you are able to make Freetrack v2.1 and FS2004 work together, can you tell me which way you configured the whole axis under FS2004? (via a screenshot or a config file). Maybe I would be able to see a mistake in my configuration, such as a parameter that prevents the view moving... Or maybe have you something else to advise me? Thanks for everything, Jean-Philippe |
Kestrel | #19 11/12/2007 - 09h37 |
Off line |
Download this exe and place it in your FreeTrack directory.
Start FreeTrack and FS9 as you would normally then click on the small button on the far right of the main FT button bar (has a "D" on it) and tell me what the output is. Specifically the numbers for FSUIPC_open, FSUIPC_version and FSUIPC_process. |
janfy | #20 11/12/2007 - 19h16 |
Class : Apprenti Off line |
Hello Kestrel!
I did what uou asked me. Here are the results : Before and at launch of FS9, the values are (FSUIPC_open - FSUIPC_version - FSUIPC_process) : 2 - 0 - 0 I choose my fly, and while the fly is loading, the values are respectively : 1 - 7 - 0 I come back to the game, which finishes to load. The cockpit appears, I move my head, nothing happens, I come back to the windows desktop via Alt+Tab, and I can briefly see the values 1 - 7 - 13 just before they come back to 1 - 7 - 0. I also tried with CFS3 which operates correctly via Tir_attack, and the values in Freetrack are always the same : 2 - 0 - 0. Hope it will help you understand... Thanks for your interest for my troubles. Jean-Philippe |
Kestrel | #21 12/12/2007 - 02h16 |
Off line |
2 means FSUIPC not found, which is expected.
Still all good, 1 indicates connection open and 7 indicates FS2004 was detected.
13 means "IPC request contains bad data" "FSUIPC didn't like something in the data" - maybe caused by alt+tab-ing. Can you run FS2004 in a window so that you can see both FS2004 and FT at the same time? (press ALT+ENTER to go to a window) |
janfy | #22 12/12/2007 - 14h56 |
Class : Apprenti Off line |
Hello Kestrel!
I tried Alt+tab, and it effectively allowed me to see both windows of FT and FS2004 at the same time. Tue values are : - 2 - 0 - 0 before FS2004 is launched; - and then 1 - 7 - 0 permanently, when the game is running. And my freetrack still doesn't operate with FS2004. I have to tell you something, which could be a reason why FT doesn't operate on my system : I don't use a usual W..s XP edition, but XP Ulktimate V5.1, which is a software package, including W..S XP Pro. Could it be a problem for Freetrack operating? Is there any software which can prevent FS2004 from working? Thank you again, Jean-Philippe |
janfy | #23 12/12/2007 - 16h10 |
Class : Apprenti Off line |
Well, here are some piece of news.
As my official FS2004 (4 CDROM, in French) doesn't work, I uninstalled it and tried the FS2004 DVD version, in English. The behaviour is exactly the same than with my official version : FT doesn't operate, and its logs say 1 - 7 - 0 while FS2004 is running. Jean-Philippe |
Pat | #24 13/12/2007 - 10h25 |
Class : Apprenti Off line |
Salut Janfy
je suis ton affaite de pret etant exactement dans le meme cas que toi impossible de faire dialoguer FT et FS2004 j'ai FSUIPC 3.75, le bon patch FS, ...... mais en vain, cela devient de la folie!!! je recherche de mon cote bon courage Pat |
Kestrel | #25 13/12/2007 - 11h11 |
Off line |
What's your OS Pat?
Pat | #26 13/12/2007 - 11h31 |
Class : Apprenti Off line |
Hello Kestrel
my OS is Windows XP pro pack 2 Pat |
Kestrel | #27 13/12/2007 - 13h38 |
Off line |
In janfy's case FreeTrack is communicating correctly and FSUIPC is receiving the data so the problem is likely to lie in the FSUIPC setup. Try deleting FSUIPC.ini in the modules folder if you haven't already done so.
Pat | #28 13/12/2007 - 16h08 |
Class : Apprenti Off line |
I deleted Fsuipc.ini
I tested and no change, always same problem |
janfy | #29 13/12/2007 - 21h09 |
Class : Apprenti Off line |
Hello Kestrel and Pat,
Pad, I've been very interested in learning that I'm not a lonely case. I hope that we'll find the way out! Kestrel, what do you think I could do to improve my FSUIPC setup? In which direction should I look for? Today I tried FSUIPC 3.7.0, in case of : it doesn't operate with my freetrack's version. Thanks a lot and have a nice day, Jean-Phi |
Pat | #30 13/12/2007 - 22h49 |
Class : Apprenti Off line |
Salut Janfy
parfois cela rassure de ne pas vivre des grands moments de sollitude! non, tu n'etais pas tout seul..... j'ai contacte une personne qui utilise le FT demain il m'envoie le fichier FSUIPC.ini (pour comparer) il me dit que dans le menu Joystick assign (je crois)de FSUIPC au menu 9->11 les chiffres defilent en fonction des mouvements chez moi, je n'ai pas ce resultat, tout reste a zero... il y a peut etre une piste.... tu peux verifier cela ? bonne soiree Pat |
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