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FreeTrack Forum > FreeTrack : English Forum > Support : Tracking System > Possible Alternative IR Pass Filter

RSS >  Possible Alternative IR Pass Filter
ByteMod #1 06/01/2013 - 14h16

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 2
Registered on : 06/04/2012

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So after being unable to find any old floppies for the longest time (From stores or from friends) and not wanting to shell out cash to have some shipped when shipping costs more than the actual floppies I started looking for alternatives to Floppy Disks for an IR pass filter.

I've tried VHS cassete tape strips which work within a couple of inches but filter WAY too much of the IR light for any practical use, and even some sun glasses which worked a little but still didn't filter enough visible light.

Well today I found a viable and easy solution that seems to work perfectly for me without any problems.  The answer is a simple strip of scotch tape with some black sharpie on it over the lens. Works great, filters almost all of the visible light and lets more than enough IR light through without any trouble.

So for those of you in my situation try it out. WOrks great for me, maybe it will for you also.

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