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FreeTrack Forum > FreeTrack : English Forum > General Discussion > webcam with ir leds bad for the eyes?

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miquepet #1 08/10/2012 - 17h44

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Can webcam with ir leds be bad for the eyes?

thank you.
Edited by miquepet on 08/10/2012 at 17h45.
Steph #2 09/10/2012 - 14h28

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Gian92 #3 09/10/2012 - 20h19

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miquepet @ 08/10/2012 - 19h44 a dit:

Can webcam with ir leds be bad for the eyes?

I wouldn't recommend staring directly at the LEDs and in prolonged periods of time. Long-term issues can originate from events which were supposed to be negligible.

Ophthalmologist a dit:

If the IR rays are focused on the retina artificially (as done by applying laser on the retina), the retina can get burnt. IR rays are shown to damage the skin it emitted in high intensity such as in industries. The LED source of CCTV has very low intensity of emitting the IR rays. It has been stated that the safety zone from the IR radiating instrument is 1.64 meter diameter from the source.

From JustAnswer
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rfxcasey #4 11/10/2012 - 08h39

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You probably get more IR from the sun on a daily basis then you do the leds. I made a hat with the leds on it so there is not issue whatsoever. If you're really concerned about it, and I doubt you should be, get some polarized sunglasses though I'm not sure if they block or reduce IR like they do UV.

Besides that, I'd probably be more concerned with eyestrain from the monitor, carpal tunnel from the keyboard, loss of hearing from the headphones or the few extra pounds you pack on from sitting in front of the PC instead of running around the block. Not to mention the strain being addicted to virtual reality seems to have on a lot of relationships.

No, IR is probably the least of your problems.
Edited by rfxcasey on 11/10/2012 at 08h41.
Steph #5 11/10/2012 - 10h44

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...hope you also don't smoke, because then... ;)

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