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RSS >  Freetrack and windows 7 fix
HOKUM52 #1 22/01/2012 - 16h24

Class : Apprenti
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Registered on : 05/08/2011

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i checked out the previous threads on this matter but it seems a long time since they were used and the threads appear dead.
So im posting it now what seems 3 years later to see if any one has come up with a fix.
i will re-itterate the problem.

windows 7, 64 bit latest freetrack 2.2 the following errors:

first error:
Access violation at address 00402272 in module 'FreeTrack.exe'.
Write of address 4029B311.

(now i know this one can be fixed by changing DPI settings and it did work but i am still left with the next two errors.)

second error:
Access violation at address 00402230 in module 'FreeTrack.exe'.
Write of address 4029B341.

third error:
Exception EAccessViolation in module FreeTrack.exe at 00019779.
Access violation at address 00419779 in module 'FreeTrack.exe.'
Read of address 40239CA6.

Has any fis been found? much appreciated

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