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FreeTrack Forum > FreeTrack : English Forum > Support : Tracking System > Working out the right size for 3 point model

RSS >  Working out the right size for 3 point model
jagsta #1 18/03/2011 - 16h47

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 2
Registered on : 18/03/2011

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Hi, apologies if this has been covered before.

I'm going to be using Free Track with a wiimote (genuine nintendo) and a home made 3 point model. I will be using this with a projector as my display to play games on the PC, so my distance to the wiimote is going to be something like 3 metres.

Is there any way I can calculate the ideal size of the point model, or is it just a case of setting up the wiimote and seeing how big it will need to be to get a decent size in the software?

Am I right in thinking it should be 1/3 or less of the image size?

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