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RSS >  FreeTrack et Black Sarck V1.02
nexus06 #1 10/11/2010 - 13h21

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 7
Registered on : 07/05/2009

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Je n'arrive pas a faire fonctionner mon FreeTrack sur la V1.02.
Le Backup de la dll Newinput fonctionne sans pb sur 1.0 et 1.01, mais pas sur la 1.02.
Enfin, chez moi...
J'ai pas mal cherché sans trouver quoi faire.

Avez vous the solution svp?

nexus06 #2 11/11/2010 - 17h52

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 7
Registered on : 07/05/2009

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Bon ça marche, faut voir ici
Edited by nexus06 on 11/11/2010 at 17h53.
Mac Sumners #3 05/08/2011 - 08h39

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 2
Registered on : 05/08/2011

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I can sit across the room with it, actually, even downstairs.
But that's not the greatest thing about it:
This controller is so well-designed, I play it with anything (even games that do not support it - I use xPadder to bypass this obstacle).
The right analog stick (aiming) speed and the left analog stick (movement) speed are separately adjustable - and of course, they will detect exactly how you're moving them, if you move them slow, they will slow down, if you fly, they'll pick up the pace. buy r4i card
cheap r4 card
best r4 cardThe best game to play with it is BioShock - it supports the gamepad 100%, and by that I mean - instead "button 1 - pick up" you see "(A) - pick up" and the A is of course green.
Take a look.

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