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RSS >  Grid and Dirt problem
Drasta #1 01/08/2009 - 10h24

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 1
Registered on : 13/07/2009

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Hello, I got some problems with running of free-track in grid and dirt. I got Windows Vista x64 SP2, freetrack, dirt and grid are 1.2 both. Freetrack is running, game is running (no crashes of NPclient) but the tracking don't work ingame. I've been searching throught forum and tried checking NPclient registry path and run freetrack as admin but nothing helped... I tried to find some option in those games but I didn't find anything. In ArmA2 freetrack runs great (however ArmA2 doesn't run great but thats a different story :angry:) and in freetrack window everything works fine too.

Is there something that Iam missing? Some freetrack fix like for ArmA2 or crack or anything? Plz help....

And sorry for my english...

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