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FreeTrack Forum > FreeTrack : English Forum > Support : FreeTrack Software > Freetrack doesnt work in Armed Assault 2!!

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Bushlurker #106 13/07/2009 - 22h22

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I picked poland because, in 1982 I was that fresh-faced and naive 21 year old tourista being told in no uncertain terms to cover his shirt by two Very Big AK's with people attached...


I'm also just loving Arrowheads semi-trekkie "we are not a Hive Mind" stuff - the whole post #104 in fact - of course we're not... and Placebo's initial opening offer clearly showed he didn't quite grasp that...

We Are Not Borg...   the Maquis, maybe...



(on a lighter note, has everyone seen this??) (lyrics on the right)

Is it all in my head
Or did Placebo just close my thread?

Edited by Bushlurker on 15/07/2009 at 04h30.
beardpi #107 13/07/2009 - 23h48

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Hi everyone, just registered here to make this post.

Placebo has just made a poll over at BIS forums asking about support for freetrack, finally...

Here's the link:

hotshot232 #108 14/07/2009 - 01h16

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You know what in itself shows we need Free Track support.

Like above people are registering just to say that a poll is open. Tell me that is not people concerned lol

I hope Suma has a heart and helps out the fan base. It certainly is a nice size of their fans. We are the die hards, the long term customers.
Bushlurker #109 14/07/2009 - 02h13

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another quick idea borrowed from Ferujo...

If anyone else here posts regularly on the BIS forums, mentioning the poll and petition in your sig is a good way of getting their existence known in every thread you contribute to, whilst not actually saying a word about it...

The forum equivalent of a T-Shirt campaign...

here's mine if anyone would like to copy or adapt it...

[color="Black"][b]Sign the Petition and Vote for Freedom and FreeTrack in ArmA2: [url=http://""]HERE[/url] and [/b][/color] [url=http://""][b][color="Blue"]HERE[/color][/b][/url]

(Just copy and paste it into your signature in UserCP on the BIS forums, for those of you who don't already know...)

I also posted on Ferujo's thread over at Armaholic... not much mention of Freetrack there, only Ferujo's video post...

I added a pic of my newly finished "nanoclip" passive IR tracking clip, plus what cam I use and enough additional info to have any reader interested headtracking in Arma/2 for under £25... £15 if they make their own nanoclip...

Edited by Bushlurker on 14/07/2009 at 06h58.
hotshot232 #110 14/07/2009 - 13h28

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I got a response back from SUMA the lead developer at BI. I asked him about the inclusion of Free Track support. This was his answer. I am now linking some to the Poll Placebo opened. We are up to 50 yes. That is 83% so far think Free Track should be supported.

Suma a dit:


as I already answered on the forum, we are not yet convinced there is enough of FreeTrack users so that it makes sense for us to support this kind of head tracking. Once we see the installed based of this solution is wide enough, we will definitely revisit this question again.

Best regards

Jorge.PT #111 14/07/2009 - 13h33

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hotshot, that's exactly the same answer he gave us in one of the threads. Nothing as changed...

You should ask him, what are the numbers he's looking for, and how he knows that the freetrack base is smaller then trackir's one. Those are questions I've never seen answered, since placebo quickly closed the thread where that conversation started.
Edited by Jorge.PT on 14/07/2009 at 13h37.
hotshot232 #112 14/07/2009 - 13h55

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Jorge.PT @ 14/07/2009 - 15h33 a dit:

hotshot, that's exactly the same answer he gave us in one of the threads. Nothing as changed...

You should ask him, what are the numbers he's looking for, and how he knows that the freetrack base is smaller then trackir's one. Those are questions I've never seen answered, since placebo quickly closed the thread where that conversation started.

I did, here is the PM I sent him.

hotshot a dit:

What is it going to take?? The petition is up to close to 200 sigs and the Poll that Placebo opened YESTERDAY already has 50 yes votes for the support of Free Track.

Free Track has a member base of about 2,500 members. If 1,500 of those did not buy Arma 2 because of the lack of Free Track support. That is close to 75,000 that could of been made by BI.

I think you all are seriously doubting the numbers of free track users. Topics being made on the forum so much that the mods like placebo are getting upset and closing all Free Track talk. People lashing out to NP because of the lack of support. That in itself shows that "Free Track" users are coming to the forums to voice there concern with this.

I know you all lost two sales in my and my dad. I have also told my cousin and another buddy of mine who are free track users and they are not buying until free track is supported. So while losing those sales might not close your doors. They do make a difference over the course of years and different titles.

I am just lost as to what it is going to take.

Jorge.PT #113 14/07/2009 - 14h14

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Nice hotshot. Keep us posted about that pm.
hotshot232 #114 14/07/2009 - 14h31

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Jorge.PT @ 14/07/2009 - 16h14 a dit:

Nice hotshot. Keep us posted about that pm.

Will do!!

Ohhh and for those that don't know. I am PHOBIA on the BI forums.
Edited by hotshot232 on 14/07/2009 at 18h26.
MrUser #115 14/07/2009 - 20h58

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Small problem. That poll is not stickied, and no one is allowed to reply to it, so it is already on page 2, and will continue to sink.  Anyone who didn't happen to see it yesterday or today probably will never, unless they habitually dig back multiple pages.
hotshot232 #116 14/07/2009 - 21h10

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MrUser @ 14/07/2009 - 22h58 a dit:

Small problem. That poll is not stickied, and no one is allowed to reply to it, so it is already on page 2, and will continue to sink.  Anyone who didn't happen to see it yesterday or today probably will never, unless they habitually dig back multiple pages.

Not true, I been bumping it and Placebo is just deleting my replies. I am about to bump it again
Bushlurker #117 15/07/2009 - 00h34

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Sticky Status might make it look a bit too official in BIS's current mindset which is why it might be a good thing to ask about - in a day or two, once Placebo's getting tired of having to monitor it an delete...

Meantime bumping seems to be working OK...

The actual discussion thread over @ the forums seems to be surviving so far too! That's pretty good!
I've used it to say a bit more about tracking systems in general, and freetrack and how quick and easy and hassle free it can be in particular...
I've been checking out a few other forums and I realised theres a high level of ignorance about what's actually involved with freetrack...
A moderator on the Armaholic forums had posted one of the "more exotic" freetrack baseball cap gizmos and was holding it up as an example of what you "have to wear" to use Freetrack...
I was forced to deflate his argument slightly... he hasn't replied.....
No-one has actually... I suspect they have all caught Freetrack-Fear from the BIS forums and are afraid even to comment in case they get banned.....

Ah well...
I might do a nice detailed plus photos post on "how to use freetrack with Arma 2" - maybe even start a thread -here on the freetrack forums where it can't get conveniently squished - maybe even add a link to it in my sig... A full detail thing, start to finish, from clip building to freetrack settings...

I'll have a think and maybe take a photo or two...

Edited by Bushlurker on 15/07/2009 at 00h35.
Jorge.PT #118 15/07/2009 - 00h56

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Check my cap post at TG Forums:

You are free to use anything that interests you from there.
tsar bomba #119 15/07/2009 - 23h08

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Glad to see that there is movement on this.

My take on Freetrack is a bit of a love/hate thing.

I used it for the longest time in Windows XP and loved it.  It worked so well in FlightSim9 and ArmA that I was in heaven.

I spent $20 on my FreeTrack setup and I felt a sense of accomplishment... i designed a unique LED point-model that would allow a much larger range of head motion before running into problems.

I bought a second WiiMote so that i could have one to actually USE with my Wii again :D   There is $60 investment right there...  and then I made the jump to Windows 7 and found something that I hated about Freetrack...

In Windows7 64bit, the default Bluetooth stack would NOT allow my Wiimote to work.  I tried the Broadcom stack, i tried the free versions of Bluesoleil... i tried using chalk, candles and a goat.. NOTHING would work...   i broke down and bought Bluesoleil 6.x since the 2MB-data limited demo DID work...  $30 more dollars.  Sure, this could be a windows 7 problem, but Freetrack was forcing me to shell out more money :D

At this point I have invested a fair amount of time and $90 USD, so the FreeTrack solution is anything BUT free...  but it does allow people to do things for themselves and be innovative.  Because the cost is lower and carries a coolness factor, it is almost infectious and people at LAN parties take on an interest and pursue head tracking on their own.   This is good for the gaming community.

Now I go out and buy ArmA2 and am *HIGHLY* disappointed by the lack of FreeTrack support.  I am disappointed enough in the product that I am actually thinking about taking it a step higher than simply grabbing the patch and no-CD  fix...   that solution does not affect BIS in the least, they already have my money.  If, however, I demand a refund... that is where the pain starts to settle in.  At the very least, they still have to have a paid person on the phones to handle my complaint.

I do not and will not condone piracy.  I do, however, prefer to do business with companies who value their customers.  Where is the love for the TIR3 crowd, forsaken by their OEM?  Seeing how NP has left their own customers in the cold, why in the hell would *I* even consider buying a NP product just to suffer the same fate down the line?  At least with Freetrack I can mod my hardware if need be and download a new version of the software for FREE... it will never become obsolete.  I will never be penalized for my investment.

BIS did not create this mess, FT did not create this mess.  NP is the responsible party.  If they had offered their product for $100, I probably would have bit the hook.  If they had not shafted their own customers, I might have taken the bait.

Bad business deserves no customer loyalty or support.  It deserves only to die a cold and lonely death.
Bushlurker #120 16/07/2009 - 00h09

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well said!!!!!

It's amazing how much chaos a little unpoliced greed can cause...

The Wikipedia entry on NP makes interesting reading if you haven't read it before.......

what they're really aiming for is this...

NaturalPoint have filed five patent applications for optical motion tracking as a means of view control in virtual environments since 2005, but as of 2008 none have been issued. Their most recent application is a refinement of prior applications, focusing on view control in multiplayer virtual environments

A bit of paper that says they own an aspect of the concept - almost any aspect will do... it's purely for waving indignantly purposes...


I bought a second WiiMote so that i could have one to actually USE with my Wii again    

... thanks for that one... made me laugh for the first time today after another round of "is it all in my head? or did Placebo just close our thread....."
... otherwise I'd strongly encourage you to go there and say stuff like this.....

Because the cost is lower and carries a coolness factor, it is almost infectious and people at LAN parties take on an interest and pursue head tracking on their own.   This is good for the gaming community.

Edited by Bushlurker on 16/07/2009 at 04h05.

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