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Jorge.PT #136 16/07/2009 - 22h20

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Good news everyone!

Rise of Flight, the new combat flight sim, as a open SDK. It seems to be the one from NP, but is open and freetrack is working fine!

Are we watching a change in NP attitude, or was it a position take by neoqb (rise of flight game developers)? Who knows... I hope it stays like this in the future.

Now I'm really considering to buy that game, it's looking very good.

Take a look at this video:
tsar bomba #137 16/07/2009 - 23h00

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Russian development team?  All right!
Bushlurker #138 17/07/2009 - 15h51

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... another little interesting point I noticed as I wander by...

I see the BIS poll has topped 100 - good...
I see the petition has topped 250 - good

Suma wanted "an indication of support for Freetrack???

This thread has had 4773 unique hits since it opened a few weeks ago!
Quarrions TrackIRfixer thread is at 2965 and counting!!! Also in only a few weeks!

There's not many actual posts on the fixer thread, other than heartfelt "thank you's" so I guess all those unique hits must've been there to download something else, huh???

There's your "level of support indicator right there Suma...   2965 and counting!

Edited by Bushlurker on 17/07/2009 at 16h34.
hotshot232 #139 17/07/2009 - 16h50

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Placebo is still reading this thread to. Here is how I know how. I got this PM on the BIS forums from him. About a post I made here.

Placebo a dit:

hotshot232 a dit:

Natural Point Vincent - You are a chicken shit little guy. You going to pop in here with a Ninja smiley like you are cute. You and your company are the lowest of the low.

That's you on there isn't it?

Did anyone actually bother to check the IP address for the "Natural Point Vincent" poster? On the BIS forums we once had George Bush make a post, told me to fuck off, you think that really was George Bush? Sometimes common sense is a useful thing

This was my PM back. I have no problem with Placebo, but I have a mojor issue with BIS and NP!!

I don't buy that by any means. He has been spotted on Free Track members pages, he has commented on the topic before, and then it is just a "coincidence" he shows up at the Free Track forums.

No need to cover for the guy. Natural Point gets ZERO respect from me. It will always be this way, I hate the way they operate. Their OWN track IR 1/2/and 3 don't even work. WHAT??????????? That is insane, you pay for a product and they just quit having support for it LOL. That is some greedy people.

Bottom line is I came in to see if a agreement could be meet to get support for Free Track. BIS has put us on the back burner. So I am no longer going to waste my time TRYING to get service out of BIS. I am going to find my own way around this problem.

You want Free track to do something for you all by not allowing the cracks for our equipment to work, BUT you are not willing to "do" anything for us. It is a two way street. 99% are using bought copies with their own paid for equipment. So NOTHING is hurting BIS. In the end you all brought this on your selves. You are forcing buying customers to find a means to use their head tracking software.

So while you can be mad at the hundreds that will look for a means to make it work. You need to tell BIS to look in the mirror and realize NONE of this would happen if the support was already in.

You want the problem to go away, well FIX the issue!!!!

I am sick of asking, begging, and hoping for help. It is apparent BIS will not help us. From now on I am going to act the way I should of from the start. Like a pissed off customer that is getting shafted by two greedy companies.

So while this might sound "harsh" it is not directed at YOU as a person, but the company you work for. You are the voice of the community.

Like my post said, "I Lost hope!!!"
Jorge.PT #140 17/07/2009 - 20h23

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BI forums are really getting hilarious  :lol: , in the same day that a new natural point employee arrived to the forums, I got my signature deleted, as some of my posts, regarding the fact that NP had ArmA2 as 6DOF in their site...

EDIT: Correction, the guy didn't arrive today, but it's the first time I see posts from him.
Edited by Jorge.PT on 17/07/2009 at 20h26.
Bushlurker #141 17/07/2009 - 22h33

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just a quick off-topic post in case anyone else is interested...
I've been babbling a bit about my IR cam and reflective clip style of tracking with hotshot on this thread...
... just in case anybody else was wondering if it works as well as a powered clip or cap... especially the room lighting aspect...

My first ever video! hehe - jeez my camera is a pile of crap!

MrUser #142 19/07/2009 - 00h51

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To be fair, George might have fallen off the wagon,  and got a little liquored up and pissed off.
Jorge.PT #143 19/07/2009 - 23h35

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Let's see if BI moderators are really in favour of their community, or NP.

My last test to their "loyalty":

If this doesn't work, it's clear that their "agenda" is with NP and none of us.

EDIT: Conclusion, BI and it's moderators are working under NP whip...

This was my post for those who are wondering:
Posted Image
Edited by Jorge.PT on 20/07/2009 at 10h11.
Hiramas #144 20/07/2009 - 16h03

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at least they are keeping the freetrack poll at the top....
I don't know who votes againts the support (except for the NP-guys), but i honestly don't understand why....
This NP exclusive behaviour is just rediculous.
I know everyone wants to earn money...
But it seems that a satifsfied custumor is worth nothing anymore....
beardpi #145 22/07/2009 - 03h05

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Hiramas @ 20/07/2009 - 18h03 a dit:

I don't know who votes againts the support (except for the NP-guys), but i honestly don't understand why....
This NP exclusive behaviour is just rediculous.

Yep, it's unbelievable, really.

It's expected that NP would vote against it, but how many of them are members on BIS forum? 3 or 4?

I remember Suma voted against it in the previous public poll someone here set up. Maybe also dyslexic who seems to be sponsored by NP in return for advertising on BIS and youtube, etc.

I think a LOT of the negative votes are from people who have no interest in it anyway, as shown by this reply I've just caught before Placebo deletes it:

Leopardi a dit:

Rather take the time to fix mouselag...

Bushlurker #146 22/07/2009 - 18h04

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I think theres a general misunderstanding that were any additional API to be added or even agreed to be added then it would somehow delay the next patch...
Given the general level of discontent with some of the more obvious bugs in the game, you can see how that might panic people a bit - we're asking for additional control interfaces while they can't stay in MP for more than 5 mins, or run the game at all without CTD's...

I tried to explain in a BIS forum post that all we were doing was seeking agreement with BIS - along the lines of Blackshark, etc - that an open API WILL be added at some point - it was in the discussion stage and wouldn't influence the Very Necessary next patch in any way - sadly that thread was closed as well and sank without trace - as such threads do, and so that voice of reason was lost and the misunderstandings will continue - mainly because there is no way to communicate with the rest of the BIS forum members under the current moderation regime...
Placebo himself, while telling off Jorge in some other thread, threatened to close the Freetrack poll completely! I mean - what's that about??
Thats like saying - "hold on Jorge - I don't like what you're saying - and I notice you're a Microsoft Office user - thats it, one more word out of you and I'll punish every Microsoft Office user on this forum"..
Ridiculous, of course... but a measure of the level of disinformation, misunderstanding and in some cases, hysteria surrounding the issue...

Another misunderstanding... "cracks" are available for Arma2 on the Freetrack site - we "promote" them???
Where??? I've seen ONE enquiry on the TrackIRfixer thread where some chancer with an obvious pirate copy - he was using a mini-image - was asking about a fix for his pirate copy ... he got no reply other than "why do you NEED a mini-image"???...

DrSnow #147 22/07/2009 - 20h53

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Ridiculous, of course... but a measure of the level of disinformation, misunderstanding and in some cases, hysteria surrounding the issue...

So true... I have hanged around the Arma/OFP forums for a long time and i have had to change quite radically my impressions of few people, and thats not to the good direction. Bashing FT seems to be more like a good afternoon sport for some.

We really need FT devs contact towards BIS

Last time i checked the poll at the Arma forums, supporters had given nearly 200 votes. Keep it going!

Edited by DrSnow on 22/07/2009 at 20h56.
kloppenberg #148 24/07/2009 - 13h01

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NT using an encrypted API is no different than producing your own joystick and getting game developers to only support your joystick. imagine if somone did that with a keybaord or mouse? or even a video card? better not give the game dev's any ideas....
Arrowhead #149 24/07/2009 - 17h44

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Exactly. Encrypting the API flies in the face of everything that is PC gaming. When are these people going to wake up?
telejunky #150 30/07/2009 - 17h30

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Hi this is telejunky, one of the administrators of :)
I will post a news later.

I already signed, because i love my homebuild lego freetrack device :D

best regards

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