marcusw @ 27/05/2008 - 03h29 a dit:
ok, I think i just figured it out for myself, the led's need 16mw minimum, so anything over that would be fine, right? .5 watt should be fine since they only need .016, my knowledge about wattage is lacking compared to the other aspects of this system. But I think they will only use what they require.
Hello marcusw
You don't have to care about the power needed by the led , but about the power dissipated in your resistor, they're not the same.
- use the led wizard to choose your setup and resistor
- the wizard will provide the power dissipated in the resistor. So your resistor must allow AT LEAST this dissipated power value.
As a rule of thumb :
- use a resistor allowing at least twice that value, to do it the safe way.