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cbrunschen #1 03/12/2007 - 16h42

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Hi all,

I'd like to write something like FreeTrack for Mac OS X. I think a port would be difficult, but a rewrite, using the knowledge already in FreeTrack and using the FreeTrack source as a reference point, seems like an approach that would work.

The source code at Sources contains almost everything I am looking for, but in seems to be somewhat incomplete. Specifically, while  Pose.pas contains the implementations of the algorithms that deduce the pose from the image, and Freetrack_fm.pas contains the code that is invoked when a set of LEDs have been detected on a frame from the camera, there are references to a type, 'TListPoint', which contains logic for sorting the LED points into a suitable order for the algorithm to work depending on the layout (Cap or Clip), but which I can't find anywhere in the source code.

If that were available, that would help me a lot in my reimplementation effort.

Best wishes,

// Christian Brunschen
Kestrel #2 04/12/2007 - 00h59

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Look in the Seuillage_inc.pas file.

FT uses Delphi 7 VCL so you're right, a Mac port would be impossible.
cbrunschen #3 04/12/2007 - 09h12

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Ah, thank you! I finally found it, here, in the 'DShowFilter' directory (not the 'Freetrack' one where I had been looking).

Merci beacoups :)

// Christian Brunschen
howecome #4 04/12/2007 - 10h04

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Good luck with your efforts - I would really value such a port/re-implementation.

I was wondering though - is there a way of doing it in a non-os specific way rather than for Mac OS specifically?

There is a really good open source API called Juce which might be a good place to start.


Kestrel #5 06/12/2007 - 06h31

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cbrunschen @ 03/12/2007 - 17h42 a dit:

I'd like to write something like FreeTrack for Mac OS X.

Someone mentioned once that FT would be great for Macs because they all come with webcams now. But they're built-in webcams which, as far as I can tell, aren't ideal for headtracking as they are permanently fixed in position and offer no adjustment for clip tracking, which requires an offset camera, or centering, to maximise the range of motion.

What would be the prime motivation for a Mac or even Linux version?

Computer accessibility for people with disabilities?
Hands-free mouse control?

The above are relatively niche uses and only need 2 degrees of freedom (ie no tracking algorithms) and few of the FT capabilities.

Games? (The principal motivator for FT) How many games for mac or linux would actually benefit from 6dof head tracking? X-Plane springs to mind but there are few others.

Just curious.
howecome #6 06/12/2007 - 11h11

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I'm working with virtual acoustics and binaural sound.  Headtracking can help resolve a lot of the problems but has traditionally required expensive specialist hardware.  If webcam tracking can be used then the more platforms it works on the better, not just Mac OS, hence my suggestion for a platform independent version.

simonpe #7 10/07/2008 - 17h24

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Any updates on that port?


Ten years ago one could question the usefulness of FreeTrack for Macs, when < 2% of all home computers were Mac's. Just look at all games availible for Mac today!
Edited by simonpe on 10/07/2008 at 17h26.
Makosh #8 30/12/2011 - 22h09

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Do you know something about Delphi XE 2? Is it possible to recompile freetrack code using Delphi XE 2 for Mac OSX? I want to try.

Or may be better to use Lazarus?
I don't know from what to begin((

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