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FreeTrack Forum > FreeTrack : English Forum > Support : FreeTrack Software > Camera stops working after game starts

RSS >  Camera stops working after game starts, Mouse emulation only
moonraker0 #1 26/06/2012 - 00h42

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 2
Registered on : 26/06/2012

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Hi.  I was lucky enough to get my old Playstation 2 Eye Toy to work as a webcam in Windows 7 64-bit, but encountered problems with FreeTrack.  I've got it all set up to move the skull with my head, and that works fine, until I load a game.  Once I load European Bus Simulator 2012, the mouse tracking that I previously enabled stops working.  I try to pause and unpause FreeTrack with Shift+F9, as well as Ctrl+Alt+F3 to disable and enable mouse emulation, but it doesn't do anything (although it does make the sound).  When I exit the game, the FreeTrack icon is red, and when I open up the FreeTrack main window, the webcam view is completely black and the skull does not move.  If I stop and restart the tracking, it's working normally again (until I load that game).  I noticed that the FreeTrack icon flickers between green and red for a bit after I launch the game, before the game finishes loading.

Hopefully I can get this fixed; right now I'm using my dad's TrackIR TrackClip, but I'm going to try and find some LED I can attach to a hat.
moonraker0 #2 26/06/2012 - 16h15

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 2
Registered on : 26/06/2012

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I bought a small LED light today, but I still am having this problem.  I found out later on yesterday that if I pressed shift+F9 to toggle FreeTrack on and off, it would work in the game for a few seconds, then stop working.  I can repeat this to get it to work for only a few seconds at a time, or at least I could yesterday (I tried today and this no longer worked).

EDIT:  I think I've figured out a workaround.  I just need to start the game by double-clicking its shortcut on the desktop, then quickly click "start" in FreeTrack before the game finishes loading.  It works when I do that.

EDIT 2:  What I posted above is pretty unreliable; it only occasionally works when I do that.  What I'm doing now is running the game in windowed mode, alt+tabbing to FreeTrack, starting tracking, then switching back to the game.  This has worked every time so far, so the issue can be considered semi-solved.  It would be nice to have a start key combination, though.
Edited by moonraker0 on 26/06/2012 at 22h20.

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