Class : Apprenti
Posts : 5
Registered on : 16/06/2011
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It seems like there are some people out there who have this combination working. I'm not one of them--I got some tracking data with BlueSoleil, but the Toshiba BT stack has the usual grayed-out start button problem.
So, to anyone using the Toshiba BT stack: what kind of Bluetooth adapter do you have? Is there a particular USB sort that works with the Toshiba stack?
Class : Apprenti
Posts : 1
Registered on : 03/08/2011
Off line
I just got mine to work last night this is how I did it.
I downloaded a trial of Toshiba Bluetooth Portal Stack here . My first install did not stopped at 15% so I restarted it but it also stopped at 15% so I unplugged my dongle and re plugged it in. It got by the 15% and finished it ask me to restart I did.
After my computer restarted I clicked add device in my bluetooth icon in my task bar and pressed 1+2 on my Wiimote. It found it and brought up a window for code I put verify with no code, it verified and added. When I opened FreeTrack I had a Wiimote option and clicked it and then I heard my Wiimote ding and the start button light up so I started it.
The Toshiba Stack is a trial but it works. Every time you connect your Wiimote you have to press 1+2 even after its paired.