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FreeTrack Forum > FreeTrack : English Forum > Support : FreeTrack Software > Freetrack and PPJoy on a 64bit Operating System.

RSS >  Freetrack and PPJoy on a 64bit Operating System., I can't seem to get the two to communicate with each other.
Cactus57 #1 19/10/2010 - 22h08

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Has anyone managed to get PPjoy working with Freetrack on windows 7 x64? Both programs install and work correctly on their own but I can't seem to make FreeTrack pass on information to PPjoy, I'm not sure which program (if any) is the issue.

I'm using a 1-point model (for testing)
X set to YAW, Y set to Pitch, other axis listed as "None".
Calibration appears perfect, skull moves around in the correct way.
Output > PPjoy checked, other options unchecked. Controler 1.

And in PPjoy
PPjoy Virtual Joystick 1 added.
2 Axes, 0 Buttons, 0 POV hats.
Axis 1: X Axis - Analog 0
Axis 2: Y Axis - Analog 1

I hit the "Scan" button, and move my head, but nothing is picked up.

Sounds like a PPjoy issue most likley, but since they don't have a forum and this program is designed to tie into it, I thought it couldnt hurt to ask here.

If anyone has any light to shed on my problem I'd really appriciate it. My LED's are arriving soon so that I can build a nice 3-point and I'd like to have the software kinks sorted by then. Thanks very much for your help and thanks to the FreeTrack guys for making this excellent program :)
Edited by Cactus57 on 19/10/2010 at 22h25.
Zaphod #2 20/10/2010 - 03h58

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PPJoy is unsigned 64bit driver so Windows will need to be in test mode. If you use this version it should enable test mode for you.
Cactus57 #3 20/10/2010 - 09h32

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Thanks for the reply, however I already have PPjoy running (in test mode) without any apparant errors. I can't find a good reason as to why PPjoy isn't picking up any input from FreeTrack.

I did find out however that I was a version behind on PPJoy, now running the newest ersion unfortunatly it hasn't fixed my problem.

I've taken a screenshot of my settings, incase anyone can point out a mistake I've made.

By the way, anyone know what happened to PPjoyjoy? The program which combined 2 joysticks into 1 virtual stick?
zaelu #4 13/02/2011 - 20h43

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I have the same problem.

I'm starting to think PPjoy is not correctly installed.

there is no PPJoy in my control panel/devices and printers
gsg16 #5 19/08/2012 - 18h42

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I made a video in which the ppjoy setting and would like to show the use of windows 7 64bit. Using the Wiimote in DCS A-10C.The video link below to download the required programs. The driver ppjoy no virus!

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