Class : Apprenti
Posts : 1
Registered on : 20/09/2010
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Hi all,
we are looking for a way to track the movement of the knees of a cyclist, riding on bike rollers. I came across free-track, and it seems like it could serve our needs. So I have a couple of questions:
Can free-track be used to track arbitrary 3D positions? Or is it limited to head tracking only? Are there any sample projects available that do this?
Can free-track be used with multiple marker sets and multiple cameras? All we need is two 3D positions (one for each knee). I guess we need to use two cameras, because the two leds won't be visible to one fixed camera. Maybe it is enough if we can run multiple instances of the free-track software, each using a separate camera.
Do you think the accuracy of the tracking is enough? We would like to have an accuracy of about 1mm (in world space). We control the setup, so we can place the cameras at any distance and angle necessary to achieve the best accuracy.
Would it be possible to track even more points? We would like to track hips and ankles too in the future. In the worst case we can always use one computer per sensor of course, but that would be a bit overkill.
Thanks a lot in advance!