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FreeTrack Forum > FreeTrack : English Forum > Support : Tracking System > Why the asymmetric geometry for the clip?

RSS >  Why the asymmetric geometry for the clip?
Surgo #1 27/07/2010 - 02h40

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 4
Registered on : 27/07/2010

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I really wanted a head-tracker for immersion in flight sims, but I was aghast at how much TrackIR cost and wasn't a big fan of cheapo webcam framerates. Then I heard from somewhere that a Wiimote (which I already had) had a 100 FPS four-point tracker, and thus I found my way here.

To the point: amazing software, but I'm curious why the "clip" model that you wear over an ear is asymmetric from both the front and side view. Is this because it's worn over an ear and not the center of the head, and the asymmetry in LED positioning means better discrimination for yaw (which is itself asymmetric thanks to where the clip is worn)? I'm just trying to better understand what, mathematically, is going on here.

Thanks for the help! (Also thanks to that fellow who has the video that uses the Cateye bicycle clip, turns out that's cheap and looks like it will attach to my headset almost perfectly -- my biggest problem was trying to fabricate a frame that would be rigid enough to not move and also able to clip on.)
zapp #2 27/07/2010 - 11h06

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 5
Registered on : 19/07/2010

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All that FreeTrack sees are three 2-dimensional dots to calculate a 3-dimensional pitch.

With a symmetric device, FreeTrack wouldn't know whether you are pitching up or down when you look straight into the camera, because the gap between the 3 dots would be exactly the same.

With an asymmetric device, the lower gap gets (compared to the upper one)  wider when you are pitching down and smaller when you are pitching up.

So FreeTrack knows the direction of your pitch even when you are looking straight into the camera.


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