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FreeTrack Forum > FreeTrack : English Forum > General Discussion > The Future of Technology? DIY KIT it and we'll Build it

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MikeBiv #1 07/07/2009 - 05h09

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 4
Registered on : 07/07/2009

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If your looking for a HMD, my first choice would be a VR920, but there still around $300 and I dont want to drill glue and solder things to them.

The Trimersion is Wireless, has 640x480 Dual LCD's, 2DOF Gyro Head Tracker
and a Controller. Going for arounf $75 on Ebay, and the Shape od it look perfect for Ir Tracking.

I wan to Experiemtn with tracking systems, the Gun isn't 3d it shaped like that. I going to wire it into a Powerglove arm band for the left hand.
If it's sending another analoug josystick signal Roll should be possible with
a accelromter and IR tracking. Merllot's Vr page note the dual Lcd's have Drivers, two Monitor Cables should seperate each eye and display on two
video cards the ocular distance ie no Flicker, Real 3D.
I'm going to pull all unessacery electeonics out of the HMD as it'll be wired,
I may also Replace Parts With Vacuum Forme copies, to dop the weight.

A removable webcam or two for Augmented Reality and FPV Wirless Camera's on radio control Vehicles.

Will Free Track Ever sell a DLL or Prgramming kit to integrate it into other programs or languages?

One idea is to run old two PC with FreeTrack for two Webcam's and network the, to the graphics computer.

I would love to see a analoug (real in front of you) Calibration controler
via Midi or other. Something like the Korg Nano Pad,
just have real Knobs for Real time Calibration adjustments.

Will we eve see a Programmer friendly Verion of FreeTrack?
Maybe the Guys a TGC would add it to DarkBASIC as
a add-in ($) DLL.

Or keep it free an write a Printed Book Explaning how it
all works, if possible make the System upgrable and customizable
and simple. Visual Basic should cover it, C+ can translate.

MoCap, Input Devices, Multitouch
I can't find a single schematic on how IR Tracking works Please
link if yo have one.
a DIY Wiimote. Feel Free to make much cooler snap things like the raquet ball and maybe built or DIY IR Trackers for different setups.

You know how this works better then the Wiimote hacker, go with it
keep it Diy. How About finger LED on Multitouch. a Really Tight T=Shirt
and Pants for dot based mo cap. Hobby Robots use those Sharp IR sensors

Wish I knew How IR Tracking worked, i'd be rich selling ultra futuristic DIY
Electronics Kits that taught the Tech. Make a 3D Light Gun 6Dof and when you look in the scope it zooms, and hire a prgrammer to write a BASIC
VB, DarkBasic, PlayBASIC Example.
You think Johnny Chung Lee would help you out if you sent a check for couple thousand bucks for each project?
IR and LASER sense distance same way, Perfect for scanning.
Imagine a shoe seller with a exact 3D Model of your feet to make your shoes?

My ivention is a 3d POV Display with ultrasmall multi color Led's,
that can show a 3D Model / animation. Like that 3d Holo Game in Star

Btw GYROMOUSE Company makes a fortune, and the Makers of the ill fated P5 Data Glove used the same tech to make Guitar HERO! Same Engineer made it it read somwhere. I take the First WiiMote Killer DIY two handed controller kit. Be sure to explain it though like HeathKIt, you build to learn
not just solder.

If a leat both arms and Head had 6DOF, Imagine what SIM or WOW could be like? or Augmented Reality your friend far away interacting with you in your house. a "AI" robot that projected on the wall and inteacts with you like this-
Edited by MikeBiv on 07/07/2009 at 05h49.

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