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FreeTrack Forum > FreeTrack : English Forum > Support : FreeTrack Software > Problem with freetrack and trackir headset

RSS >  Problem with freetrack and trackir headset, lack of trackir headset profile causes unwanted rotation
BobbyBlaze #1 27/04/2009 - 20h41

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Hi guys,

any chance of getting a proper profile for the trackir headset in freetrack? As you know, the 3 light headset profile on freetrack is based on the 3 leds being on the same plane but the trackir headset has the upper and lower LED's further out than the recessed middle one. This causes massive rotation in freetrack when simply leaning the head to the left or the right leaving these axis useless but , more importantly, means that the head does not track properly (ie head movements in real life not being transposed properly in the game).

Not all of us are mini McGuiver's with the soldering iron so the trackir headset is the only way to go. I'm sure adding a profile to match this headset properly would not be a large task and would increase the accuracy and usability of freetrack for a considerable number of users. Any chance of a fix?

Great software, by the way. Thanks to all!
BobbyBlaze #2 07/05/2009 - 22h22

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BobbyBlaze #3 16/05/2009 - 17h55

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Am I the only person here using a trackir headset??

If anyone else is, would you prefer to have your headset track with a greater degree of accuracy? If so, then add your name to the bottom of this post. You'll never know what you're missing unless you do.
DrSnow #4 17/05/2009 - 09h47

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edited out
Edited by DrSnow on 17/05/2009 at 10h00.
MamiyaOtaru #5 20/05/2009 - 01h49

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If by "headset" you mean "track clip pro" then yeah, I'd like to see this supported.  The three LEDs are not laid out in a vertical line, the top and bottom LED are closer to the head than the middle, and there is no way to indicate this in the model dimensions setup screen.  One can only specify their location relative to each other in the Y and Z planes, not in X.
BobbyBlaze #6 05/06/2009 - 12h26

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Yeah, that's exactly what I mean dude. This causes horrible extra rotation.  I was thinking of a new profile for the track ir headset but adding an X difference option in the existing headset profile would work well too.

Come on guys! Some of us have tried soldering (believe me) but have to resort to the track ir headset because we're rubbish. Let us enjoy proper tracking because our heads are lolling around like a bunch of windowlickers at the mo.
oldmancolin #7 05/06/2009 - 19h25

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yeah yeah. I just started using freetrack and bought a trackclip pro myself. So my problem of constant movement is a problem with the layout of the headset. Hope someone smarter than me can come up with a fix for this. cause till then I'm stuck with the hat switch.
Dude27 #8 18/06/2009 - 18h52

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same problem... so bump!
jtelf2 #9 11/09/2009 - 10h07

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I came looking for info on why I was having trouble with the Track Clip and now I know why! A bump from me on this one - a fix to specify you're using the Naturalpoint clip would be awesome.

By the way, using Freetrack with a Wii Remote is incredible - no wonder they've started trying to lock you guys out  :(
wraith_tms #10 17/09/2009 - 22h48

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Yes, count me in this group as well.

For the longest time I haven't been able to get the settings right in FT.  I love the program, and always wondered why I just wasn't dialing in the right profile settings.  I posted in the forum for some tips, but none did the trick and I've played with dozens of profile variations and settings.

I finally figured out that it is this problem.  The pro clip layout isn't supported yet, and it just throws off one's results.  It will work passably, but without the measure of control that I know could be achieved with support for the TIR clip model.  If problems would ensue with Natural Point, then maybe a manual customization setting, where the pro clip can be recreated by hand?

So, bump!  :D
eddtr1 #11 02/11/2009 - 12h15

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Please is this possible
herig1 #12 27/12/2009 - 19h56

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It works for me. Put in the dimersions in the 3 point clip setup, turn down the senstivity settings,  I have mine in the 40% area. And adjust the clip in the tracking window so none of the points touch durring head movement. I used Microsoft VX-3000 cam, pulled the ir filter and added a picece of floppy disc behind the lens.
I'm using it in Lockon, but my trouble is it stops working when I'm about 10 minutes in the game. Looking for a solution, if not then its back to TrackIR.
Edited by herig1 on 27/12/2009 at 19h56.
ZBrisk #13 31/12/2009 - 02h20

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herig1 @ 27/12/2009 - 20h56 a dit:

Put in the dimersions in the 3 point clip setup

That's for the side aspect.

If the frontal dimensions could be adjusted, this would be fixed. Until them I'm stuck with 2 DoF.

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